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Game Over | © HMS

Game Over

  • 2032 - Eine deutsche Dystopie. Game Over (Wettbewerbsbeitrag Bayern 2030) (Working title)
Short Film | 2017 | Drama | Germany

Main data

Shooting data

Number of shooting days3

Project data

Length of movie6min
Aspect ratio16:9 (1 : 1,78)
Acquisition formatFilmstream 4:4:4
Distribution formatDCP

Brief synopsis

Game Over: Jo is a passionate Drone-Racer. Unfortunately his renitent sister Anna is still better than him. As Anna shows dissident behavior, he's getting the order to spy on her.

(Quelle: HMS / BR)


ActorRole nameVoice actor / SpeakerVoice actor
Béla Gábor LenzJo [L]
Verena WolfienFrau Schott [L]
Mersiha HusagicAnna [L]
Raffaela KrausRebell [SR]
Susanne Dorothea SchneiderNachrichtensprecherin [SR]
Thorsten WienWettkampfleiter [SR]
Julia BuchmannPilotin
Fidan WyderKollege
Simon GillesKollege
Helene KrügerPilotin


Vfx supervisorPeter Anlauf
Title designerJacob Jacobs
ColoristJochen Hinrichs-Stöldt
ColoristRonney Afortu
Director of photographyBine Jankowski
Drone camera operatorThomas Reinecke
Steadicam operatorDaniel Leibold
1st assistant cameraChristopher Link
1st assistant cameraMartin Bode
2nd assistant cameraBranimir Petev
DIT digital imaging technicianBranimir Petev
Assistant to DITDorian Hehn
Casting directorSophie Molitoris
Costume designerFloriana Bonera
Assistant costume designerSophia Fritz
DirectorMaria Neheimer
1st AD (local system)Shawn Bäumer
2nd AD (local system)Samuel Domdey
Script supervisorPascal Schröder
EditorMartin Langhof
GafferJan Klügel
Best boy electricPhilip Matoušek
Lighting technician / electricianNico Flach
Lighting technician / electricianAndreas Schütte
Makeup artist / hair stylistMaike Walter
Additional make up artistKatja Küpper
Ass. von Maike Walter
Ass. von Maike Walter
ComposerDavid Scherr
Creative producerLara Förtsch
Production designerSabine Dotzauer
Production designerCarl Fischer
Assistant production designerAnnemieke van Ravenzwaay
Graphic artistDavid Scheffel
Graphic artistTheresa Schwietzer
Graphic artistMax Knicker
Graphic artistJacob Runge
Graphic artistNathalie Krammer
Assistant production managerBenedikt Maurer
Unit manager (local system)Andreas Grotevent
Set manager/ floor managerPhilipp Haeberlin-Collet
Assistant unit managerMaurice Walter
Production driverHenriette Ahrens
Set runnerSophia Stoltenberg
Set runnerChristian Platz
ScreenwriterJulian Niedermeier
Production sound mixerStefan Bück
Boom operatorElias Müller
Boom operatorPatrick Böttcher
Sound re-recording mixerMatthias Schmidt [4]
Sound designerMichael Manzke
Foley artistDavi Rodrigues de Lima
Stunt coordinatorJoe Alexander

Production companies

Hamburg Media School


Cameras and UtilitiesMBF Filmtechnik GmbH
Lighting and UtilitiesMBF Filmtechnik GmbH
EquipmentZeigermann_Audio GmbH


TypeCountryStationDate / TimeComment
First showingGermanyBR [de]Thursday, 08/11/2018