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We are your competent partner in Berlin and throughout Germany!

We offer you customized support for your media productions. All from one source thanks to our first-class trained staff and extensive fleet of fully operational vehicles, nothing stands in the way of a smooth running of your production.

Our core competencies include medical specialist advice as well as fire-engineering specialist advice and actors. In addition to set-medic and stunt support, this also includes fire protection and SFX support.

Over the years, we have built up an extensive fleet of vehicles, ranging from ambulances to tanker extinguishers to lifeboats. Thus, we are able to provide you with the appropriate vehicle for all conceivable requirements. In addition to the appropriate staff and fleet, we also provide you hoses, fire extinguishers and additional equipment for fire protection - as props or to ensure your shootings.

Film projects

2023Jenseits der Spree
Life jackets / life jackets
TV Series, SRF [ch], ZDF [de]Christoph IschingerStudio ZentralLife jackets / life jackets
SetMedic // Lifeguard
TV Series, NetflixMultipleZeitsprung Pictures GmbHSetMedic // Lifeguard
2023Die NotärztinTV Series, ARD [de]Jan HaeringPolyphon Film GmbH
2023Die NotärztinTV Series, ARD [de]Jan HaeringPolyphon Film GmbH
2023Die NotärztinTV Series, ARD [de]Jan HaeringPolyphon Film GmbH
2023Die Notärztin
Fire engines, turntable ladder,
TV Series, ARD [de]Jan HaeringPolyphon Film GmbHFire engines, turntable ladder,
2023Die NotärztinTV Series, ARD [de]Jan HaeringPolyphon Film GmbH
2023SOKO Wismar
TV Series, ZDF [de]Ann-Kristin KnubbenReal Film Berlin GmbHSetMedic
2023SOKO WismarTV Series, ZDF [de]MultipleReal Film Berlin GmbH
2023Der gute Bulle - Heaven can waitTV-Movie (Series), arte, ZDF [de]Lars BeckerNetwork Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH
2023Der gute Bulle - Heaven can wait
Ambulance w. professional extras
TV-Movie (Series), arte, ZDF [de]Lars BeckerNetwork Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbHAmbulance w. professional extras
Set- Medic's / ambulance & medical equipment
Feature FilmAva DuVernayArray Filmworks [us]Set- Medic's / ambulance & medical equipment
2023One Trillion Dollars
Inertization / nitrogen filling of vehicle tanks
Limited series, Paramount+MultipleW&B Television GmbHInertization / nitrogen filling of vehicle tanks
2022Zwei Weihnachtsmänner sind einer zu viel
Covid19 tests, PCR pool tests, rapid antigen tests
TV Movie, ZDF [de]Neelesha BarthelOdeon Fiction GmbH (formerly H&V Entertainment GmbH)Covid19 tests, PCR pool tests, rapid antigen tests
2022Doktor Ballouz
Fire department technical advice
TV Series, ZDF [de]MultipleX Filme Creative Pool GmbHFire department technical advice
2022Doktor Ballouz
Firefighters' Professional Compasses
TV Series, ZDF [de]MultipleX Filme Creative Pool GmbHFirefighters' Professional Compasses
2022Doktor Ballouz
Ambulance / Emergency ambulance
TV Series, ZDF [de]MultipleX Filme Creative Pool GmbHAmbulance / Emergency ambulance
2022Doktor BallouzTV Series, ZDF [de]MultipleX Filme Creative Pool GmbH
2022A Sacrifice
TLF Tanker 5000l / Firefighters
Feature FilmJordan ScottScott Free Productions [us/uk]TLF Tanker 5000l / Firefighters
2022Polizeiruf 110 - Du gehörst mir
RTW ambulance with paramedics (professional paramedics)
TV-Movie (Series), MDR [de]Jens WischnewskiFilmpool Fiction GmbHRTW ambulance with paramedics (professional paramedics)


  • Jörg Krüseke
    Phone:+49 30 755667660
    Mobile:+49 172 3098590
  • Astrid Krüseke
    Department:Buchhaltung & Finanzen
    Phone:+49 30 755667664
  • Jörg Homeyer
    Department:PL Company Fire Brigade former Tempelhof Airport
    Phone:+49 30 755667668
    Mobile:+49 172 3820003
  • Nina Dützmann
    Department:Office Management / Trainees
    Phone:+49 30 755667660
  • Dennis Krüseke
    Department:Materialverwaltung & Prüfsachkundiger
    Phone:+49 30 755667660
    Mobile:+49 172 3098590
  • Bernard Ciesielski
    Department:Fleet & Garage
    Phone:+49 30 755667660

Company data

Date of company foundation2005
Permanent employees237
Immediate working areaHead office: Bundesweit / International