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    Films listed with Crew United

    2016HumansTV Series, AMC [us]standby props
    2016Maxdome - Deine Mutti liebt Maxdome (mehrere Spots) (WT)Commercialstandby props
    2015Ültje - Männergespräch (WT)Commercialset decorator
    2015VW Leasing - Katze (Internetfilm)Commercialstandby props
    2013My Brother's Name is Robert and he is an Idiot
    Head of Art Dep. 08-10/2013
    Feature Filmart directorHead of Art Dep. 08-10/2013
    2013Blochin - Die Lebenden und die TotenTV Series, ZDF [de]standby props
    2013Danone Fruchtzwerge - Dino CityCommercialstandby props
    2012Posthumous. An Artful AffairFeature Filmstandby props
    2012Media Markt - WGCommercialstandby props
    2012Universal Home - Image 2012Corporate Filmstandby props
    2012ZDF - Die letzte Spur (Vorspann)Title Sequencestandby props
    2010Nagayoshi Nagai (WT)Documentarystandby props
    2010The Three Musketeers (3D)
    2nd Unit-drehwoche 1-3
    Feature Filmstandby props2nd Unit-drehwoche 1-3
    german part
    Feature Filmstandby propsgerman part
    2010Peugeot 207 - The RainCommercialstandby props
    2010MTV - My MTV MobileCommercialstandby props
    2nd Unit
    Feature Filmstandby props2nd Unit
    2010Clara - Carnival In GermanyMusic Videostandby props
    Albanian Part
    Feature Film, arte, SWR [de]standby propsAlbanian Part
    2009Wie alles endetShort Filmstandby props