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TV-Movie (Series) | 2024 | ARD [de], Degeto [de] | Comedy, Drama, Family, Legal/Courtroom | Germany
The project "Einspruch, Schatz! - Schwesterherz" has been editorially approved, but continues to be regularly reviewed, updated and supported through to release by our editors. Please inform us of missing, false or outdated data.

Main data

Shooting data

Start of shooting27/05/2024
End of shooting30/07/2024
Filming regionsGermany - Saxony


ActorRole nameVoice actor / SpeakerVoice actor
ChrisTine UrspruchEva Schatz [L]
Wolfram GrandezkaHanno Bertram [L]
Karmela ShakoSissi Konrad [SR]
Jochen BusseWerner Schatz [SR]
Clelia SartoConnie Bertram [SR]
Stephan GrossmannDr. Sascha Schmidt [SR]
Nils BrunkhorstKevin Vogel [SR]
Tatja SeibtGisela Bertram [SR]
Carmen-Maja AntoniRenate Christ [SR]
Barbara SchnitzlerAnne Christ [SR]
Tom QuaasHerr Ortlieb [SR]
Joone DankouLeyla Odonko [SR]
Frieder VenusGregor Schiller [SR]


Production accountantManuela Heitmann
Director of photographyGuntram Franke
2nd unit dopMarkus Kloth
Camera operatorMarkus Kloth
1st assistant cameraJavier Palicio
Video assist/playback operatorAlexander Fichtner
4+5 43DT
4+5 43DT
Casting directorMaria Rölcke
Casting directorCornelia Mareth
Assistant costume designerElisabeth Kramer
Costumer / wardrobeOlivia Rutschka
Costumer / wardrobeDorothea Schmidle
DirectorAnnette Ernst
1st AD (local system)Ulrike Heller
Script supervisorAmrei Kriener
EditorLena (Helena) Bieniek
Assistant editorChristian Klimetzki
Key gripKarsten Kube
Best boy electricOliver Joest
Lighting technician / electricianDietrich Schönherr
Lighting technician / electricianHenryk Olk
Makeup artist / hair stylistChristin Goy
Makeup artist / hair stylistAnke Saboundjian
Music producerJulian Muldoon
Production designerDominik Hauschild
Art department assistantCaroline 'Caro' Sell
Prop masterJörg Schade
Prop masterFay Lazariotis
Standby propsStefan Pepe Baumgärtner
Location scoutMarek Czerwinski
Graphic artistKati Linke
Property driverBenjamin Kanske
Line producerMichael Wanka
Line production coordinatorCleo Schling
Production managerRichard Mellert
Production manager (broadcaster)Jonas Sticherling
Unit manager (local system)Jennifer Voss
Assistant to production managerIna Almeroth
Location manager (local system)Lukas Richter
Set manager/ floor managerJohanna Mittelstraß
36 Drehtage
36 Drehtage
Set manager/ floor managerJuliane Gräfe
Assistant set/floor managerLisa Hilser
Production driverStefan Noebel-Heise
Set runnerMarkus Hartig
43 DT
43 DT
Set runnerSophie Prüfer
ScreenwriterTorsten Lenkeit
Production sound mixerSiegfried Fischer
Boom operatorMichael Moran
Boom operatorGuido Oberkirch
Commissioning editorSascha Mürl
Commissioning editorStefan Kruppa
Child supervisorJulia Füchsel
Intimacy coordinatorMadli Moos
Sustainability managerRonja Krampitz
Sustainability managerKorina Gutsche

Production companies

W&B Television GmbH


Extras/Bit PlayerAgentur filmissimo Inh. Antje Mews
Care (Children / Teenagers)Artiluna, Steffi Schlademann
ausgeführt von Julia Füchsel
ausgeführt von Julia Füchsel
Finance/Law/InsuranceTeamwork-Filmservice GmbH
CostumesTheaterkunst GmbH Kostümausstattung
KB - Brigitta Lohrer-Horres
KB - Brigitta Lohrer-Horres
CostumesWellenstein zeitgenössische Kostüme GmbH
Birgitta Lohrer-Horres
Birgitta Lohrer-Horres
WEBSHOP Artikel / Grafikdesign / Drucke
WEBSHOP Artikel / Grafikdesign / Drucke
Vehicles and aircraftspolizeiteam.de
Unipkws, Unipolis, Uniformen, RTWs, Retter
Unipkws, Unipolis, Uniformen, RTWs, Retter