Cameras and Utilities | BlueCineSystems Videocombo, BlueCine 5.6, BlueCineSync | Videocombo, BlueCine 5.6, BlueCineSync |
Extras/Bit Player | Real Life Casting | |
Production Services | DHS Filmservice GmbH Maskenmobil | Maskenmobil |
Production Services | film-mobile gmbh FilmMobile | FilmMobile |
Production Services | Filmservice Wallner | |
Props | Herz Medical GmbH Pathologie Labor Fachberatung | Pathologie Labor Fachberatung |
Vehicles and aircrafts | Camouflage Filmservice M. Boxrucker [de] Polizei-Kfz,-Requ,-Beamte | Polizei-Kfz,-Requ,-Beamte |
Vehicles and aircrafts | Fritz Rössler Spielfahrzeuge | Spielfahrzeuge |
Sound (Postproduction) | DIGITALFILM Multimedia Produktion - TONSTUDIO für Filmton Komplette Audio-Postproduktion | Komplette Audio-Postproduktion |