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EN / DE / FR / PL / ΕΛ / ES / IT / LT / RO
Feature Film | 2019-2020 | Biography, Coming of Age, Drama, Romance, Thriller | Germany

Shooting data

Start of shooting24/09/2019
End of shooting30/10/2019
Filming regionsGermany - Berlin

Brief synopsis

Fifteen-year-old Soheil has until now managed to hide his Jewish identity from his friends. His family comes from Iran, so he looks just like the other kids from migrant families in his largely Muslim Berlin neighborhood of Wedding. Yet one day, a schoolmate happens to show up at his parents' tailoring shop, and she finds out the truth about his religious background. "This needs to stay our secret," pleads the young Soheil to Selma.


ActorRole nameVoice actor / SpeakerVoice actor
Doguhan KabadayiSoheil [L]
Mohammad EliraquiHusseyn [L]
Derya DilberSelma [L]
Omar AntabliFadi [L]
Kida Khodr RamadanSoheil's Father [SR]
Dorka GryllusSoheil's Mother [SR]
Judith HofmannHeadmistress [SR]
Ariella HirshfeldSelma's Mother [SR]
Samy Abdel FattahBaris [SR]
Emircan Emes YildirimEmre [SR]
Nathalie Taly JournoPnina [SR]
Hassan KelloKhalil [SR]
Shirin EckVicky [SR]
Arash RavandArash [SR]
Maradona AkkouchRicky [SR]
Abdullah Emre ÖztürkBurhan [SR]
Lena BeermannSchwimmbad Gast [BP]
Talha AkdenizYoung Hodscha [BP]
Abdulmoumen AliLeopold Gang Member [BP]
Miguel FranciscoDr. Yousef [BP]


Production accountantJörg Huke
Production accountantJanina Bukowski
Post production coordinatorJamak Zandbaf
ColoristSebastian Göhs
Director of photographySten Mende
2nd unit dopElias C. J. Köhler
1st assistant cameraRicarda Hibbeln
1st assistant cameraSebastian Katzer
Alexa Mini + Cooke Anamorphics + Ronin 2; B-Cam / 2nd Unit
Alexa Mini + Cooke Anamorphics + Ronin 2; B-Cam / 2nd Unit
2nd assistant cameraNaomi Bockemühl
Video assist/playback operatorBastian Wilhelmy
Still photographerVolker Roloff
Casting directorMarc Schötteldreier
Casting directorEva Plackner
Berlin Casting Jugendrollen
Berlin Casting Jugendrollen
Casting directorPatrick Dreikauss
für Nachwuchsdarsteller
für Nachwuchsdarsteller
Extras/bit player castingClaudia Ferse
Costume designerPetra Kilian
Assistant costume designerUlrika Böhm
Costume assistant
Costume assistant
Costumer / wardrobeLuzy Steinberg
Costumer / wardrobeGabriella Ferrante
Cast Costumer
Cast Costumer
Costumer/wardrobe assistantMarlene Sichelschmidt
Additional costumersErna Ostanek
DirectorDamir Lukacevic
1st AD (local system)Jörg Slotty
Berlin / Israel
Berlin / Israel
2nd AD (local system)Maximilian Fenner
Script supervisorCandy Maldonado Agustin
Storyboard artistArturo Salvador
Extras coordinatorGabriele Ablasser
EditorChristoph Strothjohann
Key gripTheo Krönke
Zusatz 1DT
Zusatz 1DT
Key gripThomas "Thommy" Hofmann
Vertretung 2DT
Vertretung 2DT
Key gripSebastian Krückl
2nd half of shooting in Germany
2nd half of shooting in Germany
Key gripDaniel Krause
Bis zum 13. DT
Bis zum 13. DT
GafferChristoph Nickel
Best boy electricVolker 'Vanta' Vahl
Makeup artist / hair stylistBabette Bröseke
Makeup artist / hair stylistWinnie Mattheus
ProstheticsWinnie Mattheus
Music consultantAnnette Gentz
Original Score
Original Score
ProducerStephan Wagner
ProducerAlexander van Dülmen
Co-producerMargret Mackuth
(Manager Local Productions @ Warner Bros. Film Productions Germany)
(Manager Local Productions @ Warner Bros. Film Productions Germany)
Assistant to producerHassan Marjoub
Production designerJörg Prinz
Assistant production designerAnne Kunzke
ArtworkTim Schreiber [1]
Prop masterTom Langner
Assistant to propmaster /- buyerKarsten Junghans
Standby propsAsja Neumann
Set dresserWendy Lindemann
Assistant stand by propsTabea Krackow
Location scoutRoland Gerhardt
Property driverJens Rufa
Production managerThomas Rohde
Production coordinatorJeanne Fritzsche
Unit manager (local system)Marvin Gräter
Location manager (local system)Florentin Nizze-Camerer
Aushilfe für 3 Wochen
Aushilfe für 3 Wochen
Set manager/ floor managerMario Striehn
Assistant location managerEric Geidel
Assistant location managerRobert Lehrke
Assistant set/floor managerGrace Schmitt
Production driverDavid Kofler
Set runnerLeon Balk
Set runnerValentin Herzel
ScreenwriterDamir Lukacevic
Literary sourceArye Sharuz Shalicar
Production sound mixerBen Krüger
Adr boom operatorNiklas Matthaei
Sound supervisorAntonio Harzer
Sound re-recording mixerMatthias Schwab
Supervising dialog & ADR editorTobias Festag
Adr recordistTobias Festag
Dialogue editorLuiz Melo Paiva e Silva
2 Akten
2 Akten
Music re-recording mixerChristoph de la Chevallerie
Audio description mixerTobias Festag
Stunt coordinatorOliver Juhrs
Stuntman/womanLee Huang
utility stunts
utility stunts
Stuntman/womanCecilia Diesch
Stunt Double- Derya Dilber
Stunt Double- Derya Dilber
Stuntman/womanAbdulmoumen Ali
Gang Member
Gang Member
Stunt riggerMelanie Benna

Distribution / Sales companies

Warner Bros. Pictures Germany [de]


CastingMarc Schötteldreier Casting
Extras/Bit Playeragentur wanted
Extras/Bit PlayerBerlin City Cops
Finance/Law/Insuranceadag Payroll Services GmbH
Production Servicesbloc inc filmservice GmbH
+ Trailer & Base generator & Equipment
+ Trailer & Base generator & Equipment
Production ServicesFast Assistance
Transportation, Travel and AccomodationB.O.E.S.-Service
Transportation, Travel and AccomodationCMS - Car Motion Service GmbH
KB: Petra Kilian
KB: Petra Kilian
CostumesKostümfundus Babelsberg GmbH
KB: Petra Kilian
KB: Petra Kilian
CostumesWas ihr wollt
costumes: Petra Kilian
costumes: Petra Kilian
CostumesWellenstein zeitgenössische Kostüme GmbH
KB: Petra Kilian
KB: Petra Kilian
Graphic Artist
Graphic Artist
Special Effectsbffx | Björn Friese Spezialeffekte & Pyrotechnik
SFX, Waffen
SFX, Waffen
TLF 24/50 Tanklöschfahrzeug
TLF 24/50 Tanklöschfahrzeug
Vehicles and aircraftsBerlin City Cops
Vehicles and aircraftsmovie vehicles Sven Fielitz
Film Processing/TransfersD-Facto Motion GmbH
Sound (Postproduction)BASIS Berlin Postproduktion GmbH
Sound (Postproduction)D-Facto Motion GmbH
Subtitles / Audio descriptionNo Limits Media GmbH


Award winnerYearAwardCategory 
Damir Lukacevic2021Filmfestival Schlingel [de]
Special Mention Children's and Youth Film Award
Special Mention Children's and Youth Film AwardWinner
Mohammad Eliraqui2021German Drama Award [de]
Young talent
Young talentNominated


2021GermanySchlingel Int. Film Festival

Cinema releases and premieres

Theatre releaseGermanyThursday, 09/09/2021