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©NDR / Jumpmedientv GmbH
©NDR / Jumpmedientv GmbH

Die Nordreportage - Arbeiten für Sylts Lebensader. Einsatz am Hindenburgdamm

  • Die Nordreportage - Die Engel vom Damm (Working title)
Report (series) | 2021 | NDR [de] | Germany

Brief synopsis

The Hindenburg Dam is the lifeline of the island of Sylt. Its maintenance is complex, because the tides and the challenging weather conditions take their toll on the dam's substructure. The "angels" are out and about on the Hindenburg Dam in all weathers. Hannes Hein's construction team has to repair the lugs in the mud flats, as they protect the dam from excessive waves. Without the silt dredger, this work would not be possible.


Director of photographyRobert Engelke
DirectorFelix Weichbrodt
EditorJohan Nilsson
EditorMarvin Kreipe
ProducerAnne Kötterheinrich
Location scoutAndrea Giesel
Niedersachsen Add
Niedersachsen Add
Production managerChristian Struck [1]
ScreenwriterFelix Weichbrodt
Sound recordist (non fiction)Jonas Engelke

Production companies

Jumpmedientv GmbH


Extras/Bit PlayerSarah Weiß Casting
CostumesKostümfundus Babelsberg GmbH
KB: Antje Gebauer
KB: Antje Gebauer


TypeCountryStationDate / TimeComment
First showingGermanyNDR [de]Monday, 01/11/2021, 6.15 PM