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DREIFILM: Production Company
  • Production Company


Alexander Fritzemeyer
Schellingstrasse 12980798  MünchenGermany
Mobile+49 151 12739218
Phone+49 89 215524810
Fax+49 89 215524819

    Known for

    Movies as production

    2025Gekommen um zu bleiben (WT)Feature FilmMarc Rothemund
    2022JupiterFeature FilmBenjamin Pfohl
    2021The ForgerFeature FilmMaggie Peren
    2020In deinen Augen (Webfilm)Short FilmNik Kohler
    2019JupiterShort FilmBenjamin Pfohl
    2019Bellevue di Monaco - Lass es fliegen (Social Spot)Corporate FilmMatthias Thönnissen
    2018La PalmaFeature FilmErec Brehmer
    2017Eterna - #Don´t ShareCommercialSimon Denda
    2016Vom GrabenIndependent Feature FilmLukas Väth
    2016Regretting MotherhoodShort DocumentaryFelizitas Hoffmann
    2016Impreza - The CelebrationDocumentaryAlexandra Wesolowski
    2016Eterna - #Origamishirt 2.0. Schwiegermutters MeisterwerkCorporate FilmLora Paul
    2016Joop! - I remember (Webfilm) (WT)CommercialSimon Denda
    2016Eterna - #Origamishirt (3 Spots)CommercialSimon Denda
    2015WallIndependent Feature FilmBartosz Grudziecki
    2015TerrierShort FilmOzan Mermer
    2015Doritos - Church (Wettbewerbsbeitrag Crash the Super Bowl)CommercialSimon Denda
    2015PampariosIndependent Feature FilmFlorian Seufert
    2015Filmschoolfest 2015 - Almost FamousTrailerSimon Denda
    2014Don't Look At Me That WayFeature FilmUisenma Borchu

    Company data

    Date of company foundation2013
    Permanent employees3
    Immediate working areaHead office: Munich