EN / DE / FR / PL / ΕΛ / ES / IT / LT / RO
EN / DE / FR / PL / ΕΛ / ES / IT / LT / RO

About Cornelia Dworak

Having started my career in 2006, I have been part of numerous Austrian and international productions and projects over the past years. I performed in movies, television, commercials, auto exhibitions, live events and on stage in the capacity of stunt performer, fight coordinator, action coach, intimacy coordinator, precision driver and dancer.
As the only female stunt coordinator and the first intimacy coordinator in Austria, I have been working on creating "safer sets" and establishing the new profession in the industry from the beginning.

I have led innumerable workshop and class hours of teaching since 2006 in the genres of stage and screen combat, dance and movement for actors, and was invited as panel guest or lecturer to speak about intimacy for film/stage.

In 2018 I started Thai Yoga Bodywork training, a beautiful treatment to balance life energy and enhance personal well-being by working on selected energy lines of the body through the quality of touch.

I'm member of:
- BIK (Berufsverband für Intimitätskoordination und Kampfchoreographie) - original member
- IPG (Intimacy Practitioners Guild)

My trainings include:
- Intimacy coordinator Trainings (PIP, TIE, Culture Change Hub, IDI UK)
- Certified Stage combat Teacher (BASSC, SCD /DE)
- Certified Dance Pedagogue (Karl Franzens University Graz /AT)
- Certified Personal Fitness and Health Coach (PFA /AT)
- Three years of contemporary "Movement and Dance Pedagogical Education” in Chladek-System (IGRC /AT)
- Thai Yoga Bodywork Practitioner with Training in Thai Massage, Osteo Thai, Cranio Sacral for Thai, Somato Emotional Fascia Work (Sunshine Network, Lulyani and many more)
- Diploma biologist – specialization: zoology/ethology (Univ. of Vienna /AT)

Known for

Movies as stunt coordinator

2024Hundertdreizehn / 113 (WT)
(1 scene)
TV Series, Degeto [de], ORF [at], WDR [de]Rick OstermannWindlight Pictures GmbH(1 scene)
2024Wüstenrot - 100 Jahre (WT)CommercialVerena SoltizMuellers Bureau Filmproduktion GmbH [at]
2023Ohne jede Spur - Der Fall Nathalie B.TV Movie, ARD [de], Degeto [de], ORF [at]Esther RauchZeitsprung Pictures GmbH
2023PeacockFeature FilmBernhard WengerNikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion
2023The End of SilenceFeature FilmTereza KotykPlan C Filmproduktion
2023Zwei gegen die BankTV-Movie (Series), arte, ORF [at]Clara SternGebhardt Productions GmbH
2022Dylon - Colour CatcherCommercialMikon van GastelChelsy Filmproduktions GmbH [at]
2022Veni Vidi ViciFeature FilmDaniel HoeslUlrich Seidl Filmproduktion GmbH [at]
2022Am Ende - Die Macht der KränkungTV Series, ORF [at], ZDFneo [de]Daniel Geronimo ProchaskaMona Film Produktion GmbH
2022Ingeborg Bachmann - Journey into the DesertFeature FilmMargarethe von TrottaTellfilm GmbH [ch]
2021Alma & OskarFeature FilmDieter BernerFilm AG Produktions GmbH [at]
2021The Net AustriaTV Series, ARD [de], Degeto [de], ServusTV [at]MultipleMR Film Kurt Mrkwicka Ges.m.b.H. [at]
2021Invisible BorderShort FilmMark GerstorferSteven Swirko Produktion [at]
2021Die Ibiza AffäreLimited series, Sky [de]Christopher SchierW&B Television GmbH
2021Die Toten vom Bodensee - Unter WölfenTV-Movie (Series), ORF [at], ZDF [de]Christian TheedeRowboat Film- und Fernsehproduktion
2021Die Toten vom Bodensee - Das zweite GesichtTV-Movie (Series), ORF [at], ZDF [de]Christian TheedeRowboat Film- und Fernsehproduktion
2021Breaking The IceFeature FilmClara SternNikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion
2021FamiliensacheTV Series, ORF [at]Esther RauchInterspot Film GmbH [at]
2021The Devil's Bath
Feature FilmMultipleHeimatfilm GmbH & Co. KG [de]Austria
2021Sweet SurvivalShort FilmMultipleStrangeRivers Productions [uk]

Movies as intimacy coordinator

2024Vier minus drei (WT)
Intimacy consulting preproduction
Feature FilmAdrian Goiginger2010 EntertainmentIntimacy consulting preproduction
2024Ein Münchner im Himmel (WT)Feature FilmDavid DietlWiedemann & Berg Film GmbH
2024Hundertdreizehn / 113 (WT)
(2 scenes)
TV Series, Degeto [de], ORF [at], WDR [de]Rick OstermannWindlight Pictures GmbH(2 scenes)
2024Gerry StarTV Series, Prime Video (Amazon)MultiplePyjama Pictures GmbH
2024Nine Perfect Strangers
HOD (Jan-April)
TV Series, HuluJonathan Levine9PS GmbH [de]HOD (Jan-April)
2023Altweibersommer (WT)Feature FilmPia HierzeggerFilm AG Produktions GmbH [at]
2023Ohne jede Spur - Der Fall Nathalie B.TV Movie, ARD [de], Degeto [de], ORF [at]Esther RauchZeitsprung Pictures GmbH
Feature FilmBernhard WengerNikolaus Geyrhalter FilmproduktionHOD
2023The End of SilenceFeature FilmTereza KotykPlan C Filmproduktion
202330 Days of LustTV Series, SWR [de]MultipleTrimafilm
2023Mandy und die Mächte des BösenTV Series, Prime Video (Amazon)Andreas SchmiedCaligari Film- und Fernsehproduktions GmbH
2022El Turco
TV Series, Gain [tr]Uluç BayraktarAy Yapim [tr]HOD
2022Veni Vidi ViciFeature FilmMultipleUlrich Seidl Filmproduktion GmbH [at]
2022Ingeborg Bachmann - Journey into the DesertFeature FilmMargarethe von TrottaTellfilm GmbH [ch]
2022Drift - Partners in Crime
TV Series, Sky [de]Tim TrachteAction Concept GmbH(München)
20218 Days in AugustFeature FilmSamuel PerriardCatpics
2021Bloodliners (NOT RELEASED) (WT)Short FilmGeorg TüchertFavArt Productions [at]
2021German Crime Story - Gefesselt
Limited series, Prime Video (Amazon)Florian Schwarz [1]Neue Bioskop Television GmbH(Leipzig)
2021The Net AustriaTV Series, ARD [de], Degeto [de], ServusTV [at]MultipleMR Film Kurt Mrkwicka Ges.m.b.H. [at]
2021Breaking The IceFeature FilmClara SternNikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion

Movies as stuntman/woman

2024Ein Mädchen namens Willow
Stuntdouble Melika Foroutan
Feature FilmMike MarzukSamFilm GmbH [de]Stuntdouble Melika Foroutan
2024Welcome Home Baby
Stuntdouble Julia Franz Richter
Feature FilmAndreas ProchaskaLotus-Film GmbH [at]Stuntdouble Julia Franz Richter
2022Der Wien Krimi - Blind ermittelt. Tod im WeinbergTV-Movie (Series), ARD [de], ORF [at]Till FranzenMona Film Produktion GmbH
2022Am Ende - Die Macht der Kränkung
Stuntdouble Barbara Auer
TV Series, ORF [at], ZDFneo [de]Daniel Geronimo ProchaskaMona Film Produktion GmbHStuntdouble Barbara Auer
2022Walking on Sunshine
Stuntdouble Proschat Madani
TV Series, ORF [at]Holger BarthelDor Film [at]Stuntdouble Proschat Madani
2021Stella. A Life.
Stuntdouble Paula Beer
Feature FilmKilian RiedhofLETTERBOX FILMPRODUKTION GmbHStuntdouble Paula Beer
2021Alma & Oskar
Stuntdouble Emily Cox
Feature FilmDieter BernerFilm AG Produktions GmbH [at]Stuntdouble Emily Cox
2021The Net Austria
Stuntdouble Nicola Ransom & Angel Coulby
TV Series, ARD [de], Degeto [de], ServusTV [at]MultipleMR Film Kurt Mrkwicka Ges.m.b.H. [at]Stuntdouble Nicola Ransom & Angel Coulby
2020Am Anschlag - Die Macht der Kränkung (ZDF)
Stuntdouble Julia Koschitz
TV Series, ORF [at], ZDFneo [de]Umut DagMona Film Produktion GmbHStuntdouble Julia Koschitz
2019Help, I Shrunk My Friends
Stuntdouble Andrea Sawatzki
Feature FilmGranz Henmanblue eyes Fiction GmbH & Co. KGStuntdouble Andrea Sawatzki
2018The Trouble With Being Born
Stuntdouble Ingrid Burkhard
Feature FilmSandra WollnerPanama Film KG [at]Stuntdouble Ingrid Burkhard
2018Die Toten von Salzburg - Wolf im Schafspelz
Stuntdouble Kristina Bangert + Stunt coaching
TV-Movie (Series), ORF [at], ZDF [de]Erhard RiedlspergerSatel Film GmbHStuntdouble Kristina Bangert + Stunt coaching
2018Spuren des Bösen - SehnsuchtTV-Movie (Series), ORF [at], ZDF [de]Andreas ProchaskaAichholzer Filmproduktion GmbH [at]
2017The Last Party of Your Life
Stuntdouble Valerie F. Huber
Feature FilmDominik HartlGebhardt Productions GmbHStuntdouble Valerie F. Huber
2017Hilfe, ich habe meine Eltern geschrumpft
Utility Stunts (Vienna)
Feature FilmTim Trageserblue eyes Fiction GmbH & Co. KGUtility Stunts (Vienna)
2016SOKO Donau
Stuntrolle Killerin (Folge 16)
TV Series, ORF [at], ZDF [de]MultipleSatel Film GmbHStuntrolle Killerin (Folge 16)
Stuntdouble Marie Friesz
TV Series, ORF [at]MultipleGebhardt Productions GmbHStuntdouble Marie Friesz
2014Meine fremde Frau
Double Ursula Strauss
TV Movie, ORF [at], ZDF [de]Lars BeckerMona Film Produktion GmbHDouble Ursula Strauss
2014Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
Feature FilmChristopher McQuarrieBad Robot [us](Vienna)
2014Woman in Gold
Vienna Shoot
Feature FilmSimon CurtisOrigin Pictures [uk]Vienna Shoot

Movies in other capacities

2024Welcome Home BabyFeature FilmAndreas ProchaskaLotus-Film GmbH [at]special effects technician (1 day)
2018Spuren des Bösen - SehnsuchtTV-Movie (Series), ORF [at], ZDF [de]Andreas ProchaskaAichholzer Filmproduktion GmbH [at]assistant stunt coordinator
2016Die HölleFeature FilmStefan RuzowitzkyAllegro FilmproduktionsgesmbH [at]stunt driver & Stunt performer
2015Die Toten vom Bodensee - Stille WasserTV-Movie (Series), ZDF [de]Andreas LinkeRowboat Film- und Fernsehproduktionstunt driver Stuntdouble Nora von Waldstätten (Motorrad, Motorrad-Beiwagen)
2015CopStoriesTV Series, ORF [at]MultipleGebhardt Productions GmbHassistant stunt coordinator
2014Codename HolecFeature FilmFranz NovotnyFilm AG Produktions GmbH [at]assistant stunt coordinator
2014Codename HolecFeature FilmFranz NovotnyFilm AG Produktions GmbH [at]fight choreographer
2014CopStoriesTV Series, ORF [at]MultipleGebhardt Productions GmbHassistant stunt coordinator (Folgen 26-30)
2013Tom Turbo - Der Film (WT)Feature FilmDirk RegelFamily Pictures Film GmbH [at]fight choreographer
2013CopStoriesTV Series, ORF [at]MultipleGebhardt Productions GmbHassistant stunt coordinator (Folgen 16-20)
2010BrandFeature FilmThomas RothLotus-Film GmbH [at]special effects technician / Double (Österreich)
2008Der Besuch der alten DameTV Movie, ARD [de], ORF [at]Nikolaus LeytnerZiegler Film GmbH & Co. KGspecial effects technician
2008Dead in 3 Days 2Feature FilmAndreas ProchaskaAllegro FilmproduktionsgesmbH [at]special effects technician
2008Dead in 3 Days 2Feature FilmAndreas ProchaskaAllegro FilmproduktionsgesmbH [at]fight choreographer
2008Commissario RexTV Series, ORF [at], RAI [it], ZDF [de]Marco SerafiniLeader Film Company Srl [it]special effects technician
2008Commissario RexTV Series, ORF [at], RAI [it], ZDF [de]Marco SerafiniLeader Film Company Srl [it]fight choreographer (Das letzte Match)
2008Lemming`s First CaseFeature FilmNikolaus LeytnerAllegro FilmproduktionsgesmbH [at]fight choreographer
2008Annas zweite ChanceTV Movie, ARD [de], Degeto [de]Karsten WichniarzMona Film Produktion GmbHspecial effects technician
2008Der Besuch der alten DameTV Movie, ARD [de], ORF [at]Nikolaus LeytnerZiegler Film GmbH & Co. KGfight choreographer
2008Lilly Schönauer - Und dann war es LiebeTV-Movie (Series), ARD [de], ORF [at]Holger BarthelBavaria Fiction GmbHspecial effects technician

Other projects

YearProject typeTitleActivityCompany
2024FestivalSex in Series: Intimacy, Boundaries & Safeness on SetGuest speaker about my IC work on "30 Days of Lust"Seriencamp Conference (Köln/ DE)
2024work as a lecturerIntimacy & Violence / 2nd Intern. Conference for Intimacy coordination (Berlin)LecturerBIK - Berufsverband für Intimitätskoordination und Kampfchoreographie
2023radio reportIm Maschinenraum des Kulturbetriebs: IntimitätskoordinatorinSelfDeutschlandfunk Kultur
2023operaSchwandaIntimacy coordinator (1 day Videoproduction)Musik Theater an der Wien
2023work as a lecturer2 day Workshop "Intimacy for Film"IC Lecturer (Directing class with Jan Gassmann)HEAD Genève - Haute école d'art et de design
2023EventThink Tank - Intimacy coordination in documentaryGuest as IC expertdok.at
2023EventInternational Conference for Intimacy coordination (Berlin)Organisation teamBIK - Berufsverband für Intimitätskoordination und Kampfchoreographie
2023EventfilmKULTUR / Sicherheit, Schutz, Prävention - jetzt!!Panel guest speakerWKO, DV der österr. Filmschaffenden, Drehübung, Akademie des österr. Films, ÖFI
2023EventIntimacy coordination in FilmGuest speaker intimacy coordinationDrehübung Wien
2023work as a lecturerIntimacy coordination TrainingStunt & Intimacy, Anchoring Techniques, Movement Tools, ChoreographyCulture Change Hub
2023radio reportÖ1 Moment - IntimitätskoordinationSelfRadio Ö1 / 09.02.2023
2023In front of the cameraWerkstattgespräche 2.0Guest as Intimacy coordinatorFlimmit
2022 - 2023work as a lecturerHow to work with an Intimacy coordinator... Theory & PracticeLecturerFilmakademie / Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
2022In front of the cameraStream TalksGuest as Intimacy coordinatorCanal+ / 26.1.2023 - 19:45
2022radio reportFM4 Sex Education - Intimacy coordinationSelfRadio FM4 / 05.2022
2022work as a lecturerIntimacy Coordination - Training / TIE coop. Culture Change HubStunt & Intimacy, Anchoring Techniques, Movement Tools, ChoreographyCulture Change Hub
2022dance TheatreCALVING / Faye DriscollFight & Intimacy for Stage CoachTheater Bremen
2021work as a lecturerRespect your LimitsWorkshop leaderDrehübung Wien
2017 - TodayPerformancecorneliadworak.atStuntwoman, Fight coordinator, Intimacy director, Movement coach, Dancercorneliadworak.at
2019 - Todayself-employmentThai Yoga Bodywork (NUAD)Owner & TYB practitionerStudio LiMOTION / corneliadworak.at
2009 - 2021work as a lecturerBühnenkampf, -akrobatik und Szenisches FechtenDozentinSchauspielschule Krauss (Wien)
2021In front of the cameraStuntfrau in ÖsterreichSelfORF1 | Magazin 1 | 14.7.2021 - 18:10 Uhr
2021radio reportIntimacy CoordinatorSelfRadio Wien Magazin / 23.4.2021
2021stage play598 neue NachrichtenMovement choreographerWerk X / D: Matthias Rippert
2021MusicalMiss SaigonFight & Intimacy directorRaimund Theater
2021In front of the cameraStuntwoman and Intimacy coordinatorSelfORF2 | Studio 2 | 15.7.2021
2019stage playErnst ist das Leben (Bunbury)Stuntcoaching (for actors)Landestheater Linz / D: Matthias Rippert
2019In front of the cameraP.M. Wissen "Einparken"Precision driverServus TV
2018radio report35 Podcast: Es zahlt sich aus... - Stuntwoman Cornelia DworakInterview / SelfElisabeth Nussbaumer / Aussteigen & Ankommen
2018stage playGänsehautFight directorUnser Theater
2018work as a lecturerStage combat basics (unarmed)Stage combat teacher & Movement coachDe La Salle Gymnasium Strebersdorf
2018work as a lecturerRefugee Project LebanonMovement, Slackline teacher (Volunteer)Crossing Lines (NPO)
2017 - 2018dancedrawnCLOSERDancerChoreographer: Anita Dobringer
2017showreel projectEUROPE TOUR Part 7 / Comedy Fight "La Mela Rossa"Fight choreographer & performercorneliadworak.at / South Horizon Stunt
2017showreel projectEUROPE TOUR Part 6 / "The first encounter"Dance-Fight-Choreographer & performercorneliadworak.at / Sarita Piotrowski
2017showreel projectEUROPE TOUR Part 5 / Sword fightFight choreographer & performercorneliadworak.at
2017showreel projectEUROPE TOUR Part 4 / Falling techniquesFight performercorneliadworak.at / AR StuntS
2017showreel projectEUROPE TOUR Part 3 / Kickboxing TrainingSelfcorneliadworak.at / Zen Tao Internacional
2017showreel projectEUROPE TOUR Part 2 / Knife Fight "Pay-Day"Fight choreographer & performercorneliadworak.at / fightsforstage.com
2017showreel projectEUROPE TOUR Part 1 / Bo Staff FightFight choreographer & performercorneliadworak.at
2017radio reportSommergespräche / Monika FischerRadio Interview / SelfRadio Klassik
2017stage playRomeo & JuliaFight director (fencing)Schauspielschule Krauss
2017children's theatreCYRANOFight director (fencing)THEO - Theater für junges Publikum
2017work as a lecturerDance Class - Middle SchoolDance teacherAmerican International School Vienna
2017work as a lecturerBühnenkampf / Theaterpädagogik LehrgangStage combat teacherBildung Südtirol
2016 - 2017dancerelation:::shifts | ArgentinaChoreographer & DancerKinetic.Art.Collective
2015 - 2017work as a lecturerArt of Movement ClassDozentinAmerican International School Vienna (AIS)
2014 - 2017danceDance Workshops & ProjectsDance pedagogueBahnfrei - Jugendarbeit
2012 - 2017work as a lecturera r i a n t a - Stage combat WorkshopsWS Leitung & Organisationa r i a n t a - Stunts | Fight directing | Stage c
2012 - 2017danceDance classes & WorkshopsOrganisation, WS Leader, ChoreographerA r i A - Dance | Movement | Bodywork
2016work as a lecturer...and ACTION!!!Instructorarianta - Stunts | Fight directing | Stage combat
2016work as a lecturerRabiatperlen 2.16 / Jugendtheater FestivalStockkampf WS LeitungLAUT! Landesverband für außerberufliches Theater
2015stage playDie SiebtelbauernFight director & Intimacy directorWinklbühne Prutz / Tirol
2015Exhibition66. Intern. Automobilausstellung (Frankfurt)PräzisionsfahrerinMercedes Benz (via Sandra Kier)
2015stage playDas indische TuchFight coordinationTheater am Pfarrplatz
2015work as a lecturer...and ACTION!!! / 2 Tage - 4 WaffenWS Leitung (Stage combat)Stagecombat Deutschland
2012 - 2015danceMädchentanz ProjekteTanzpädagoginBack on Stage 10 (mobile Jugendarbeit)
2014stage playDer unheimliche MönchFight directorTheater am Pfarrplatz
2014stage playZeugin der AnklageFight directorTheater am Pfarrplatz
2014stage playDer KrawattenklubFight directorTheater am Pfarrplatz
2014work as a lecturerWS Stage combat / QuarterstaffAssistant teacher (Janet Lawson)Stagecombat Deutschland
2014work as a lecturerHeldinnen!! Stunt-Video-WorkshopWS Leitung (Stage combat)wienXtra / Medienzentrum Wien
2014work as a lecturerRabiatperlen 2.14 / Jugendtheater Festival (Stmk)Bühnenkampf WS LeitungTheaterland Steiermark
2012 - 2014danceHip Hop KurseTanztrainerinTanzstudio Casomai
2009 - 2014work as a lecturerStage combat WorkshopsLeitung diverser WSSchule des Theaters (Wien)
2013work as a lecturerFechten wie die MusketiereWS LeitungJunge Burg / Burgtheater Wien
2013work as a lecturerStuntworkshop at AISWS LeitungAmerican International School Vienna
2013EventMercedes Benz Fleet Campus 2013 (Lausanne)PräzisionsfahrerinMercedes benz (via Sandra Kier)
2013Exhibition65. Intern. Automobilausstellung (Frankfurt)Präzisionsfahrerin (PK, Messebespielung)Mercedes Benz (via Sandra Kier)
2011 - 2013work as a lecturer2.-4. SchülerTheaterTreffenBühnenkampf WS LeitungJunge Burg / Burgtheater Wien
2012stage playDer SeelenbrecherFight directorTheater am Pfarrplatz
2012work as a lecturerBühnenkampf f. Theater u. FilmWS LeitungSommerakademie Motten / Heidenreichstein
2012work as a lecturerAction speaks louderStage combat TrainerSommerakademie Zakynthos (Greece)
2012Exhibition82. Internationaler Autosalon (Genf)PräzisionsfahrerinMercedes Benz (via Sandra Kier)
2011stage playSzenen der GewaltFight director & Intimacy directorSchauspielschule Krauss
2011Exhibition64. Intern. Automobilausstellung (Frankfurt)Präzisionsfahrerin (PK)Mercedes Benz (via Sandra Kier)
2009 - 2011work as a lecturerStage combat / KörpertrainingKursleitungart rotation service
2010operaAIDA - Spiel auf dem SeeStuntperformer (divers) & StuntdoubleBregenzer Festspiele
2009operaAIDA - Spiel auf dem SeeStuntperformer (divers)Bregenzer Festspiele
2007stage playAlmenrausch und EdelweissFight directorVerein Ortszeit


2015Zertifizierte Bühnenkampf Lehrerin (SCD, BASSC, Stuttgart)
2015Diplom Gesundheits- und Personaltrainerin (PFA, Wien) / MIT AUSZEICHNUNG BESTANDEN
2012Zertifizierte Tanzinstruktorin (Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz) / MIT AUSZEICHNUNG BESTANDEN
2005Magistra der Naturwissenschaften (Universität, Wien)

Basic data

Experience abroadCentral Europe: Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Switzerland
Southern Europe: Italy
LicencesA (motorcycle) [eu], B (car) [eu], BE (car with trailer) [eu]
Education- Mag.rer.nat / Diploma Studies in Biology/Zoology (University of Vienna, 2005)
- Trauma & consequences, Trauma sensitive case study (öTPZ, 2023)
- Intimacy choreography - Phase 2 Launch pad training (PIP, 2023)
- Intimacy coordination (TIE & Culture Change Hub, 2022)
- Intimacy Design & Coordination (IDI UK, 2019)
- Anti-Bullying & Harassment (iHASCO UK, 2021)
- Sexual Harassment Awareness (iHASCO UK, 2021)
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Training (iHASCO UK, 2021)
- Certified Mental Health First Aider (MHFA England, 2020)
- Thai Yoga Massage / Osteothai / Cranio Sacral Appl. for Thai Massage (Sunshine Network /NL, HU, PL, GR, TH, AT, ES 2018-2021)
- Somato Emotionale Faszienarbeit (Schloss-Schule St. Georgen, 2021)
- Certified Stage combat Teacher (SCD, BASSC, 2015)
- Certified Dance Instructor (Karl-Franzens-University Graz/AT, 2012)
- Diplom Health and Fitness Personaltrainer (PFA, Wien/AT, 2015)
- Movement & dance education in the Chladek-System (IGRC, 2015)
- Fight directing WS (Philip d'Orléans, Freiburg /DE, 2013)
- ELITE Firearms and SWAT Tactical Course (ESS, Copenhagen/DK, 2018)
- Aerial & Wirework - Masterclass (United Stuntmen's Association, Seattle/WA 2008)
- Stunt & Precisiondriving Course - Level 1 (Bobby Ore Motorsports, Sebring/FL, 2009)
- BASSC certified Stage combat weapon styles: Unwarmed, Rapier&Dagger, Smallsword, Sword&Shield, Knife, Quarterstaff,... (2006-2010)
- and further stunt/stage combat trainings in Norway, Italy, GB, Germany, Croatia, Spain, USA...
Immediate working areaVienna
1st residence (federal state or country)Austria - Vienna