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Beauty and the Beast

    All titles (3)
    Feature Film | 2012-2014 | Fantasy | France, Germany




    Brief synopsis

    1810. After losing all of his ships at sea, a ruined merchant is forced into exile in the countryside with his six children. Among them is Belle, his youngest daughter, a joyful girl full of grace and charm. One day, on an arduous journey, the merchant stumbles on the magical realm of the Beast, who condemns him to death for stealing a rose. Feeling responsible for the terrible fate that has befallen her family, Belle offers herself up in her father’s place. But at the Beast’s castle, it is not death that awaits her, but a strange life in which moments of enchantment are mingled with joy and sadness. Every evening at dinner time, Belle and the Beast sit down together. At first like strangers with nothing in common, they slowly discover one another. While Belle must reject his amorous advances, she tries to unravel the mysteries surrounding the Beast and his realm. When night falls, fragments of the Beast’s life are revealed to her in dreams, and she discovers a tragic story in which this lonely and ferocious Beast was once a stately prince. Armed with her courage to overcome countless dangers, Belle opens her heart and manages to release the Beast from his curse. In doing so, she discovers true love.


    Production accountantNina Büttner
    Assistant production accountantLena Schmigalla
    Assistant production accountantMelanie Heise
    Cashier 2013
    Cashier 2013
    Assistant production accountantDanny Märtin
    CashierRabeah Hinrichs
    bis 11.01.2013
    bis 11.01.2013
    1st ADMatthieu de la Mortière
    1st ADThierry Mauvoisin
    2nd ADNatalie Beer
    2nd ADClément Inglesiakis
    2nd ADRonny Bregulla
    2nd Unit - last 2 weeks
    2nd Unit - last 2 weeks
    3rd ADJan Boehme
    2nd Unit Add.
    2nd Unit Add.
    3rd ADTommy Kreiselmaier
    AD PALorenz Michael Vögel
    AD PAHanna Klumpp
    AD PAAndreas Simon [1]
    3d character animatorMilad Mesof
    Post production supervisorDoris Yoba
    Vfx supervisorLouis Morin
    Director of photographyChristophe Beaucarne
    2nd unit dopJörg Widmer
    Camera operatorLeah Striker
    1st assistant cameraLars Richter
    1st assistant cameraLuc Peletier
    1st assistant cameraAlexander Sachariew
    Add. B-Cam A+B Unit
    Add. B-Cam A+B Unit
    2nd assistant cameraFlorian Schwarz
    B-Cam+2nd Unit
    B-Cam+2nd Unit
    2nd assistant cameraKarl Keil
    Daily Crew
    Daily Crew
    2nd assistant cameraWon-Suk Park
    DIT digital imaging technicianBert Willer
    Vertretung 14 DT 1st Unit
    Vertretung 14 DT 1st Unit
    DIT digital imaging technicianStephan Schöbel
    DIT digital imaging technicianTimo Andert
    DIT digital imaging technicianChristian Kuß
    F65 Raw - 2nd Unit
    F65 Raw - 2nd Unit
    Data wrangler / digital loaderSamuel Andert
    Sony F65
    Sony F65
    Video assist/playback operatorEddi Handschak
    Still photographerSebastian Siebel
    Still photographerAnne Wilk
    Camera traineeMax Funkat
    /2. Kameraassistent 5DT
    /2. Kameraassistent 5DT
    Casting directorSimone Bär
    Costume designerPierre-Yves Gayraud
    Costume supervisorBettina Seifert
    Costumer / wardrobeAlexandra Stähle
    Cast&Stunts/KB:Pierre-Yves Gayraud
    Cast&Stunts/KB:Pierre-Yves Gayraud
    Costumer / wardrobeTheresa Anna Luther
    KB:PierreYves GayraudLéa Seydoux, a.o.
    KB:PierreYves GayraudLéa Seydoux, a.o.
    Costumer / wardrobeLisa Spengler
    Costumer / wardrobeJekaterina Herrmann
    extrafittings, extras, stunts
    extrafittings, extras, stunts
    Costume interpreterManja Beneke
    Costume interpreterChristian Kratzert
    Draper / patternmakerJeanette Apel
    Additional costumersAnja Lafin
    Additional costumersCapucine Landreau
    historisch 2. Unit
    historisch 2. Unit
    Additional costumersKatja Willecke
    4 Tage
    4 Tage
    Additional costumersSusanne Stroh
    Additional costumersPola Kardum
    Additional costumersAnna-Katharina Eck
    Additional costumersClaudia Gonschorek
    Additional costumersKatharina Drescher
    Men's tailorKatrin Kobold
    TailorJenny Dechêne
    TailorSabine Otto
    TailorBarbara Mangelsen
    Ball gowns
    Ball gowns
    TailorBeate Thein
    Anfertigungen Belle u.Princess
    Anfertigungen Belle u.Princess
    TailorAntje Wiedemann
    TailorFranka Ehret
    Dressmaker Fabrication,Alterations Cast/Crowd
    Dressmaker Fabrication,Alterations Cast/Crowd
    TailorIngrid Görgen
    Costume department coordinatorThomas den Haan
    Costume distressingYoujin Seo
    Costume dyeingJan Dieckmann
    KB : Pierre - Yves Gayraud
    KB : Pierre - Yves Gayraud
    Costume design traineeDorothea Kulhawy
    DirectorChristophe Gans
    Script supervisorSonja Zoe Simijonovic
    1st Unit
    1st Unit
    Script supervisorSilke Engelhardt
    2nd Unit ab Mitte Dezember 2012
    2nd Unit ab Mitte Dezember 2012
    Script supervisorNancy Rivas
    Script supervisor 2nd Unit
    Script supervisor 2nd Unit
    Actor coachJens Roth
    Drehvorbereitung Y.Catterfeld
    Drehvorbereitung Y.Catterfeld
    Extras coordinatorBianca Kummrow
    Extras coordinatorJan Filkorn
    EditorSébastien Prangère
    Assistant editorThomas David
    Additional Assistant Editor
    Additional Assistant Editor
    Assistant editorEtienne Boussac
    1.st Assistant Editor
    1.st Assistant Editor
    VFX editorMarkus Hagemeier
    Key gripHans Hellner
    Best boy grip 2nd unit
    Best boy grip 2nd unit
    Key gripMichael Müller [4]
    Key gripJan Hagen
    2nd Unit Zusatz
    2nd Unit Zusatz
    Key gripElmar Suska
    Best Boy Grip
    Best Boy Grip
    Key gripHeiko Klimenko
    main unit grip
    main unit grip
    Key gripJan Brun
    2nd unit, addtl. dolly grip
    2nd unit, addtl. dolly grip
    GripPaolo Sanzani
    Zusatz 1.unit
    Zusatz 1.unit
    GripCamilo Sottolichio
    Zusatz Grip 1st Unit
    Zusatz Grip 1st Unit
    GripMatthieu Rousseaux
    Zusatz 1st Unit
    Zusatz 1st Unit
    GripJerome Lauer
    Crane operatorHannes Staehle
    Superscorpio 30/23
    Superscorpio 30/23
    Crane operatorChristian Bernutz
    2nd Unit Cranes&Heads
    2nd Unit Cranes&Heads
    GafferJanosch Voss
    2ndUnit Gaffer / DOP: Jörg Widmer
    2ndUnit Gaffer / DOP: Jörg Widmer
    GafferBjörn Susen
    Best boy electricHolger Lehnau
    Best boy electricAlexander Jung [2]
    Rigging gafferDietmar Haupt
    Dimmer board operatorAnton Meister
    Lighting technician / electricianCarsten Klockow
    Lighting technician / electricianPhilipp Lange
    Lighting technician / electricianPhilip Fleischer
    1. Unit
    1. Unit
    Lighting technician / electricianDaniel Zeitler
    Lighting technician / electricianChristian Rybka
    Rigging Unit
    Rigging Unit
    Lighting technician / electricianOliver Kühne
    Lighting technician / electricianTilo Glawe
    Lighting technician / electricianVolker 'Vanta' Vahl
    2. Unit
    2. Unit
    Additional electricianFlow Jean-Louis
    und 2013
    und 2013
    Additional electricianMaximilian Linus Dreusch
    Additional electricianDavid Horn
    2.Unit Zusatz
    2.Unit Zusatz
    Additional electricianSascha Görlich
    2nd Unit
    2nd Unit
    Additional electricianRouven Schardt
    1st Unit & 2nd Unit
    1st Unit & 2nd Unit
    Balloon light operatorWolfgang Krautter
    Balloon light operatorChristian Saalfeld
    Balloonlight Supervisor
    Balloonlight Supervisor
    Balloon light operatorBenjamin Lottes
    Balloon light operatorHarald Geltl
    Lighting assistantMarkus Koch
    Lighting assistantErik Wenndorf
    Lighting assistantStephan Große
    2nd Unit
    2nd Unit
    Key makeup artist/hair stylistJens Bartram
    Head make-up/ Wigs
    Head make-up/ Wigs
    Hair/makeup designerKuno Schlegelmilch
    Makeup artist / hair stylistKatja Schulze [1]
    historisch Renaissance & Empire
    historisch Renaissance & Empire
    Makeup artist / hair stylistEmilia Grund
    Fx makeup artistJörn Seifert
    Fx makeup artistTamar Aviv
    Fx makeup artistMartin Schäper
    Additional make up artistSusi Bär
    Additional make up artistAnna Sophie Evenkamp
    Cast and extras - historisch
    Cast and extras - historisch
    Additional make up artistHanna Hackbeil
    Additional make up artistJulia Böhm
    hist. 1550 + fitting
    hist. 1550 + fitting
    Additional make up artistKathleen Asmuss
    Additional make up artistKatharina Rebecca Thieme
    Additional make up artistJudith Müller
    Crowd/Perückenanfertigung Cast
    Crowd/Perückenanfertigung Cast
    Additional make up artistHeike Eger
    Additional make up artistMareike Saß
    Crowd + 2nd Unit
    Crowd + 2nd Unit
    Additional make up artistAndrea Voss
    & Perückenanfertigung Cast/ Crowd
    & Perückenanfertigung Cast/ Crowd
    Wig makerHeike Eger
    Wig makerAndrea Voss
    für Jens Bartram
    für Jens Bartram
    Wig makerMareike Saß
    für Jens Bartram
    für Jens Bartram
    Wig makerJulia Böhm
    für Jens Bartram
    für Jens Bartram
    Wig makerJudith Müller
    Makeup traineeTopsy Liane Schreiber
    Makeup traineeMaria Heidemann
    Makeup traineeJulia Grieshaber
    ComposerPierre Adenot
    ComposerAlexandre Desplat
    Delegate producerRichard Grandpierre
    Associate producerDaniel Marquet
    Associate producerVivien Aslanian
    Associate producerFlorian Genetet-Morel
    Assistant to producerMarie Wildenhain
    Production designerThierry Flamand
    Art directorAndreas Olshausen
    Assistant art directorStephanie Raß
    Set decoratorSimon Boucherie
    Nur Vorbereitung
    Nur Vorbereitung
    Set decoratorErnestine Hipper
    Set decoratorBernhard Henrich
    Set decoration coordinatorAlexander Frühbrodt
    & Props
    & Props
    Art department assistantMarc Fielk
    Concept artistAxel Eichhorst
    Concept artistFrançois Baranger
    Concept artistPeter Popken
    Prop masterAlex Lambriev
    Prop Master
    Prop Master
    Prop masterSascha Strutz
    Set Dec Buyer
    Set Dec Buyer
    Assistant to propmaster /- buyerSebastian Schulz
    Prop Buyer
    Prop Buyer
    Assistant to propmaster /- buyerTabea Schweiger
    Prop Master Assistant
    Prop Master Assistant
    Standby propsMarie-Charlotte Matthäi
    2nd Unit
    2nd Unit
    Standby propsAndreas Huschke
    Set dresserChristoph Lanksch
    Senior Dresser
    Senior Dresser
    Set dresserUlrike Eversmeier
    Set dresserTilla Hensold
    Set dresserStefan Sellin
    "GREENS" i. A. von SET-LAND
    "GREENS" i. A. von SET-LAND
    Set dresserDaniel Brodt
    Set dresserChristoph Baumstieger
    Set dresserKlaus Eckmann
    Set dresserRalf Churfürst
    Art department coordinatorCathleen Hoffmann
    Assistant stand by propsJutta Lilli Erasin
    2nd Unit
    2nd Unit
    Assistant stand by propsMelanie Peter
    Assistant stand by propsKay Schilling
    2nd Unit
    2nd Unit
    Greens personSandra Wortmann
    Greens personDaniele Drobny
    Greens personFelix Ott
    Greens personJule Bünsche
    Greens personBarbara Jäger
    HOD Greenery
    HOD Greenery
    Greens personNobuyuki Takayama
    Greens personTino Knoche
    3 Wochen Zusatz
    3 Wochen Zusatz
    Greens personChristian Alexander Klempert
    lead greensman
    lead greensman
    Floral artistUte Feuerstacke
    Location scoutThomas Lauterkorn
    Set builderMartin Lutomski
    Set builderNadin Meyer
    Construction Buyer
    Construction Buyer
    Set builderBrita Hofmann
    HOD Oberflächen
    HOD Oberflächen
    Stand by set builderLars Dicht
    2. Unit
    2. Unit
    Stand by set builderMatthias Prange
    Stand by set builderRoman Berger
    crew B
    crew B
    Draughtsman/set designerMichael Lieb
    Set Designer
    Set Designer
    Draughtsman/set designerMichael Fissneider
    Draughtsman/set designerKatja Fischer
    Draughtsman/set designerLaura Bach
    Set Designer
    Set Designer
    Draughtsman/set designerTarnia Nicol
    Draughtsman/set designerPatrick Herzberg
    Scenic painterWolfgang Wrede
    st.by Painter
    st.by Painter
    Scenic painterDiego García Ahrendt
    Scenic painterSiguna Wiehr
    Scenic painterDominik Reindl
    für Ernestine Hipper
    für Ernestine Hipper
    Scenic painterKadi Fast
    Set Dec. Painter
    Set Dec. Painter
    Scenic painterMarian Handrack
    SculptorMichaela Möller
    SculptorCindy Schnitter
    SculptorAlessandro Emilio La Rocca
    HoD Sculptor
    HoD Sculptor
    SculptorMarkus 'Xaver' Steinberger
    SculptorSusanna Jerger
    SculptorOliver Arndt
    SculptorUrsula Linke
    SculptorMartin Dormann
    SculptorGunnar Zimmer
    HoD Sculptor
    HoD Sculptor
    SculptorChris Rossa
    + Set Decoration
    + Set Decoration
    SculptorTobias Schroeter
    Prop makerHenri Grund
    mold maker
    mold maker
    Prop makerAlexander Friedrich [1]
    Prop makerAxel Scholz [1]
    Prop makerSimon Weisse
    Prop makerKatharina Hafermaas
    propbuilder and paintress
    propbuilder and paintress
    Prop makerRobert Wiesner
    propshop Babelsberg
    propshop Babelsberg
    Food stylistUlla Killing
    Graphic artistNele-Tabea Reineke
    Graphic artistAlina Spiekermann
    für Set Dec Ernestine Hipper
    für Set Dec Ernestine Hipper
    Prop handKerstin Lehmann
    Set builder assistantJosephine Schietzelt
    Internship Art Department Studio Babelsberg
    Internship Art Department Studio Babelsberg
    Property driverPatrick Wiethoff
    set decoration shopper
    set decoration shopper
    Property driverMartin Müller [1]
    property driver
    property driver
    Art department traineeJohanna Wagner
    Art department traineeFriederike Roolf
    Set Dec + 1 Monat 2nd Set Dec Ass.
    Set Dec + 1 Monat 2nd Set Dec Ass.
    Line producerJasmina Torbati
    Line producerFrédéric Doniguian
    Senior stage managerMichael Guthke
    Studiol. Studio Babelsberg AG
    Studiol. Studio Babelsberg AG
    Production coordinatorDoris Edwards
    Vorbereitung Juli - Sept 2012
    Vorbereitung Juli - Sept 2012
    Production coordinatorSteffen Hagen
    2nd Unit
    2nd Unit
    Assistant production managerVera Maria Jung
    Unit manager (local system)Jan Enderlein
    Unit Manager 1st Unit
    Unit Manager 1st Unit
    Unit manager (local system)Kathrin Krückeberg
    unit manager: 2nd Unit
    unit manager: 2nd Unit
    Location manager (local system)Michaela Haupt
    Set manager/ floor managerDaniel Pfennigstorf
    setmanager 1. unit
    setmanager 1. unit
    Set manager/ floor managerMario Wittmann
    Set Manager 2nd Unit
    Set Manager 2nd Unit
    Assistant location managerMaximilian Fenner
    Assistant location managerPierre Eisenhut
    Assistant location managerAndre Schmidt [1]
    Assistant set/floor managerEnrico Reinecke
    Production driverMichael Fischer
    Production driverIlja Kloppenburg
    2nd Unit Driver
    2nd Unit Driver
    Production driverBenjamin Reil
    Production driverCarsten Uhlig
    Production driverDaniel Huhn
    Cast Driver
    Cast Driver
    Production driverMirko Reichwald
    Production driverRené Janicke
    Personal driverAndreas Schumacher
    Lea Seydoux
    Lea Seydoux
    Set RunnerPatrick Rupprecht
    /Zusatz/1st & 2nd Unit/Berlin
    /Zusatz/1st & 2nd Unit/Berlin
    ScreenwriterChristophe Gans
    ScreenwriterSandra Vo-Anh
    Script translatorNoémie Causse
    Production sound mixerRoland Winke
    Production sound mixerEtienne Haug
    2nd Unit
    2nd Unit
    Boom operatorThomas Wallis
    Special effects technicianJens Dunkel
    at The Nefzers
    at The Nefzers
    Special effects technicianKlaus Mielich
    SFX tech & crew co-ordinator
    SFX tech & crew co-ordinator
    Model makerIlona Vovchyk
    Conception and construction in miniature and in real size by Rosenwald, mural painting in the castle
    Conception and construction in miniature and in real size by Rosenwald, mural painting in the castle
    Creature designerPatrick Tatopoulos
    Assistant stunt coordinatorSandra Barger
    Stuntman/womanKristoffer Fuss
    ridig double Mickey Hardt
    ridig double Mickey Hardt
    Stuntman/womanThomas Hacikoglu
    Stuntman/womanKim Ruhnau
    Reit-und Stuntdouble Lea Seydoux (Belle)
    Reit-und Stuntdouble Lea Seydoux (Belle)
    Stuntman/womanMichael Bornhütter
    Stuntman/womanBernhard Schirmer
    Double Merchant
    Double Merchant
    Stuntman/womanMike Möller
    Stuntman/womanMarco Albrecht
    Double, Vincent Cassel
    Double, Vincent Cassel
    Stuntman/womanJames Bomalick
    Stuntman/womanAnja Mavaddat
    Stunt Double Myriam Charleins
    Stunt Double Myriam Charleins
    Stuntman/womanOliver Juhrs
    Stunt riderAntonia Jauß
    Reitdouble Lea Seydoux
    Reitdouble Lea Seydoux
    Stunt riderZsolt 'Jolly' Sera
    Für Buff-Connection GmbH
    Für Buff-Connection GmbH
    Stunt riderChristian Döbler
    Stunt riderIlian Simeonow
    Double Maxime über Buff
    Double Maxime über Buff
    Stunt riggerWanja Götz
    Head Rigger
    Head Rigger
    Stunt riggerSascha Girndt
    Stunt riggerPiet Paes
    Stunt rescue diverFred Hady
    Horse trainerAntonia Jauß
    Horse wranglerRené Lay
    für Buff Connection GmbH
    für Buff Connection GmbH
    Animal trainerFränze Lüttich

    Distribution / Sales companies

    Concorde Filmverleih [de]
    Pathé [fr]


    Cameras and UtilitiesARRI Rental Deutschland GmbH
    GripARRI Rental Deutschland GmbH
    Animals for FilmFilmtierhof Elsässer - Katja Elsässer
    Hunde, Arbeiten + Agenturleistung Pferde
    Hunde, Arbeiten + Agenturleistung Pferde
    Extras/Bit PlayerAgentur Filmgesichter
    Stuntscanis cornutus PRODUCTIONS
    Ch. Döbler Stuntreit-Double Louis f Buff
    Ch. Döbler Stuntreit-Double Louis f Buff
    Lighting and UtilitiesARRI Rental Deutschland GmbH
    Lighting and UtilitiesLichtHaus Gruppe
    Lighting and UtilitiesZasa Lights GmbH | balloonlight systems
    Finance/Law/InsuranceMecon Media Concept Ltd. [de]
    Gagenabrechnung (Komparsen)
    Gagenabrechnung (Komparsen)
    Production Services+ Productiontrailer
    Production ServicesastRein Fußmatten
    Production ServicesBerliner Film Service, Schleser & Büngel GbR [de]
    Production Servicesbloc inc filmservice GmbH
    Production ServicesBuchmann & Lechner GbR MundHarmonie
    Production ServicesDW Gebäudereinigung GmbH [de]
    Production ServicesMama-Filmcatering GmbH
    Production ServicesMedical Movie Service
    Set Medic
    Set Medic
    Production ServicesMundwerk Catering
    2nd Unit
    2nd Unit
    Production ServicesNetworX Weimar - Filmservice
    Darstellerloge (as MaGaMo GmbH)
    Darstellerloge (as MaGaMo GmbH)
    Production ServicesNila - Service rund ums Wohnen
    Production Serviceson the movie
    Trailers & Drivers
    Trailers & Drivers
    Transportation, Travel and AccomodationBerliner Kartonexpress
    Transportation, Travel and Accomodationvorsprung UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    Transport Consulting
    Transport Consulting
    CostumesKostümfundus Babelsberg GmbH
    KB: P.-Y. Gayraud
    KB: P.-Y. Gayraud
    CostumesPATIN-A SHOP GmbH
    CostumesTheaterkunst GmbH Kostümausstattung
    KB: P.-Y. Gayraud
    KB: P.-Y. Gayraud
    DecorationArt Department Studio Babelsberg GmbH
    DecorationFTA Film- und Theater-Ausstattung GmbH
    DecorationPatrick Guhl
    DecorationTextilwerkstatt Letschert
    Textile Decko Angefe
    Textile Decko Angefe
    Makeup and HairDesign of Illusion - Special Make-Up Effects
    Narben Anfertigung
    Narben Anfertigung
    Makeup and HairMaskenatelier Babelsberg [de]
    Makeup and HairTwilight Creations
    Set Maintenance Beast Suit and Masks
    Set Maintenance Beast Suit and Masks
    Möbel Props Leuchter
    Möbel Props Leuchter
    EquipmentFilmton Service Heiko Hinderks GmbH


    Award winnerYearAwardCategory 
    Christophe Gans2014European Film Awards
    People's Choice Award
    People's Choice AwardNominated


    TypeCountryStationDate / TimeComment
    RepeatFranceW9 [fr]Sunday, 19/02/2023, 11.05 PM
    RepeatFranceW9 [fr]Sunday, 12/02/2023, 9.05 PM
    RepeatFranceW9 [fr]Sunday, 04/12/2022, 9.05 PM
    RepeatFranceW9 [fr]Sunday, 09/08/2020, 9.05 PM

    Cinema releases and premieres

    Theatre releaseGermanyThursday, 01/05/2014
    Theatre releaseFranceWednesday, 12/02/2014