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B28 Produktion GmbH & Co. KG: Production Company
© B28
  • Production Company


Sandy Hecker
Schönhauser Allee 161a10435  BerlinGermany
Phone+49 30 22908930
Fax+49 30 229089320

    About B28 Produktion GmbH & Co. KG

    We want TV to be fun!

    B28 – stands for a young, experienced an creative team sharing the passion for ambitious and good TV.

    Since the mid-nineties we have been realizing TV and movie productions successfully - nationwide as well as abroad.

    We offer all TV stations and producers the whole range of services for film and TV productions.You will get everything from us that you need for a promising production.

    Our advantage: We are a well practiced team with “Know-how” that enjoys all productions as well as the flexible cooperation with renowned business partners and a first class management from a single source.

    B28: Your production team with heart and minds.

    Movies as production

    2024Sascha Grammel live! Wünsch Dir wasTV-Event, RTL [de]Michael Maier
    2024European Film Awards 2024Event RecordingNadja Zonsarowa
    2023European Film Awards 2023Event RecordingNadja Zonsarowa
    2023Diese OchsenknechtsDocumentary Series, Sky [de]Ralph Pauly
    2022Diese OchsenknechtsDocumentary Series, Sky [de]Stefanie Dischinger
    2022Diese OchsenknechtsDocumentary Series, Sky [de]Stefanie Dischinger
    2022Das große Schlagercomeback - Live aus LeipzigTV-Event, BR [de], MDR [de]Axel Müller-Hönow
    2022Der ZDF Comedy SommerTV-Show, ZDF [de]Michael Maier
    2021Quatsch Comedy ClubTV-Show, Sky [de]Nadja Zonsarowa
    2021European Film Awards 2021Event RecordingMultiple
    2021Eine kurze Geschichte des HumorsTV-Show, Sky [de]Kosei Takasaki
    2021Pufpaffs Happy HourTV-Show, 3sat, ZDF [de]Julia Möller
    2020European Film Awards 2020Event RecordingNadja Zonsarowa
    2020Quatsch Comedy ClubTV-Show, Sky [de]Nadja Zonsarowa
    2020Schlager, Stars & Sterne - Die große Seeparty in ÖsterreichTV-Event, ARD [de]Axel Müller-Hönow
    2020Schlagerlovestory.2020 - Das große WiedersehenTV-Event, MDR [de]Axel Müller-Hönow
    2020Die Schlager-Hüttenparty des Jahres 2020TV-Event, MDR [de]Axel Müller-Hönow
    2020Schlagerchampions 2020TV-Event, MDR [de]Axel Müller-Hönow
    2019Comedy@SkyTV-Show, Sky [de]Nadja Zonsarowa
    2019European Film Awards 2019Event RecordingNadja Zonsarowa


    • Marco Aninat
      © B28 Produktion GmbH & Co. KG
      Department:Herstellung und Administration
      Phone:+49 30 2290893-19
    • Manuel Menges
      © B28 Produktion GmbH & Co. KG
      Phone:+49 30 2290893-13

    Company data

    Experience abroadNorth America: USA
    Northern Europe: Norway
    East Asia: China
    Southern Europe: Italy
    Western Europe: France
    Date of company foundation2008
    Permanent employees8
    Immediate working areaHead office: Berlin