Five years after reunification, a man is sentenced in Koblenz to two years in prison on probation for continued serious intelligence activities. The reasons for the lenient sentence are hidden in Bonn's government quarter: The GDR spy Adolf Kanter had maintained the best relations with the West German economic and political elite since the 1950s.
Together with his childhood friend Eberhard von Brauchitsch, he invented a system of benefits for politicians that turned into the biggest corruption scandal in the FRG in the 1980s: Around DM 25 million flowed to politicians from the black coffers of the Flick Group, of which Kanter was one of the directors in Bonn. Helmut Kohl was one of them. But no one suspects at this point what a double game Kanter is playing: that the inconspicuous lobbyist is supplying explosive internal information about the money recipients to Markus Wolf's GDR HVA. When Kanter's agent activities become known by chance, however, this explosive knowledge remains secret. At the same time, a committee of inquiry was trying to find out the full extent of the Flick party donation affair. If Kohl's long-standing connection to GDR agent Kanter had come to light, it might have ended Kohl's chancellorship, according to Otto Schily, the Green Party's representative on the Bundestag investigative committee at the time.
With the help of eyewitnesses and insiders, Grimme Prize winner Claus Räfle now reveals that the Kanter espionage affair was apparently covered up for reasons of maintaining the Kohl government's grip on power.