Director | Sabrina Sarabi, Damian John Harper |
Written by | Stefanie Ren (head writer), Jonas Weydemann, Nicki Bloom, Sabrina Sarabi, Stefanie Ren, Damian John Harper, Paul Salisbury (idea) |
Production | Weydemann Bros Serial Drama GmbH [de], VIS - Viacom International Studios [us] |
Start of shooting | 22/03/2022 |
End of shooting | 15/07/2022 |
Number of shooting days | 75 |
Locations | Berlin, Brandenburg, NRW |
Filming regions | Germany - Berlin, Germany - Brandenburg, Germany - North Rhine-Westphalia |
Budget | ca. 13 Millionen € |
Film financing |
Length of episode | ca. 45 min |
Episodes from/to | 1-6 |
Aspect ratio | 16:9 (1 : 1,78) |
Actor | Role name | Voice actor / SpeakerVoice actor |
Saskia Rosendahl | Anna [SS] | |
Hanna Hilsdorf | Benni [SS] | |
Peter Kurth | Christoph Wandler [SS] | |
Sohel Altan Gol | Bijan Asfari [SS] | |
Tala Al Deen | Samar [SS] | |
Sebastian Hülk | Simon [SS] | |
Lucia Kotikova | Stella Rahn [SS] | |
Hadewych Minis | Susi [SS] | |
Aniol Kirberg | Adam [SS] | |
Seumas Sargent | Tom Grant [SSR] | |
Amira Ghazalla | Dominique [SSR] | |
Timo Fakhravar | Cem [SR] | |
Marc Barthel | Nico [SR] | |
Rainer Furch | Sepp Karlsberg [SR] | |
Joshua Seelenbinder | Jan [SR] | |
Philipp Mauritz | Lawyer [SR] | |
Anne Lebinsky | Frau Köhler [SR] | |
Nico Holonics | Anwalt Adam 2 [SR] | |
Birgit Berthold | Leiterin Putzkolonne [SRE] | |
Nicole Johannhanwahr | Correctional Officer [SRE] | |
Theres Eglinski | Miriam Bauer [BP] | |
Michael Baderschneider | Vincent Hubrecht [BP] | |
Michael Gernot Sumper | Assistent Friedrich [BP] | |
Frank Bramkamp | Hotel guest [BP] | |
Benjamin Hartwig | Ministeriumsmitarbeiter |
Activity | Name | Comment |
Production accountant | Jens Beyer | |
Assistant production accountant | Clara Schindhelm | |
Accountant trainee | Wiebke Peters Trainee bis Mai | Trainee bis Mai |
AD PA | Ingo Tillessen AD-PA/ REGIE-PA | AD-PA/ REGIE-PA |
Postproduction producer | Simon Sturzenegger for Rotor Film | for Rotor Film |
Post production supervisor | Sandra Neundorf | |
Vfx set supervisor | Sebastian Mietzner | |
Colorist | Aljoscha Hoffmann Dolby Vision | Dolby Vision |
Digital intermediate engineer | Jasper Brandt | |
Director of photography | Philipp Baben der Erde | |
2nd unit dop | Claudia Schröder [2] 40 days prep + 61 shooting days | 40 days prep + 61 shooting days |
1st assistant camera | Fabio Seyding A-Cam | A-Cam |
1st assistant camera | Oliver Moron B-Cam+ A-Cam for Fabio S. | B-Cam+ A-Cam for Fabio S. |
1st assistant camera | Thomas Ammann B-Cam | B-Cam |
2nd assistant camera | Rouven Schardt | |
2nd assistant camera | Katharina Siegl NRW Teil | NRW Teil |
2nd assistant camera | David Schwier A cam | A cam |
2nd assistant camera | Katja Nantke 2 DT, B Cam | 2 DT, B Cam |
DIT digital imaging technician | Stefan Baltz last weeks | last weeks |
DIT digital imaging technician | Robert Ring | |
DIT digital imaging technician | Christian Kuß | |
Data wrangler / digital loader | Bastian Köhn SD19-SD48 | SD19-SD48 |
Data wrangler / digital loader | Fabian Jung | |
Rear projection plates operator | Achim Viander | |
Rear projection plates operator | Oliver Boin LED-Wall Assistent | LED-Wall Assistent |
Rear projection plates operator | Greta Niemann Project manager | Project manager |
Video assist/playback operator | Andreas Klatt | |
Video assist/playback operator | Johannes Pfau 6 SD | 6 SD |
Still photographer | Julia Terjung incl. Gallery & Poster shooting | incl. Gallery & Poster shooting |
Still photographer | Maor Waisburd 4 Days | 4 Days |
Camera trainee | Tadeus Bürgel | |
Camera trainee | Louis Faber | |
Camera trainee | Charlotte Söllner | |
Casting director | Suse Marquardt | |
Casting associate | Maren Friedrich | |
Casting assistant | Babet Mader Kinder- & Jugendcasting | Kinder- & Jugendcasting |
Costume designer | Teresa Grosser | |
Assistant costume designer | Marie-Luise Wolf Preparation + 1.block | Preparation + 1.block |
Assistant costume designer | Adèle Catelain 2. Block | 2. Block |
Costumer / wardrobe | Karolina Pollmann | |
Costumer / wardrobe | Laura Lang Key Costumer | Key Costumer |
Costumer / wardrobe | Ismahan Ahmed | |
Costumer / wardrobe | Editha Hebig | |
Additional costumers | Harriet Nönnig | |
Additional costumers | Karen-Linn Eulert | |
Additional costumers | Narod Aghakhanian | |
Additional costumers | Sandra Güldenpfennig | |
Director | Sabrina Sarabi | |
Director | Damian John Harper | |
2nd unit director | Steffen Jung 1 Tag, | 1 Tag, |
2nd unit director | Martin Goeres | |
1st AD (local system) | Shawn Bäumer substitute day 1-6 | substitute day 1-6 |
1st AD (local system) | Peter Britz 4Week prep + 58SD | 4Week prep + 58SD |
1st AD (local system) | Rosa Mylord Prep Block 2 | Prep Block 2 |
1st AD (local system) | Finn Pelke | |
Assistant to director | Isabella Swoboda Replacement on (22&23rd July) | Replacement on (22&23rd July) |
2nd AD (local system) | Anton Dingel 2. Block | 2. Block |
2nd AD (local system) | Stephanie Andrzejewski | |
Script supervisor | Felix Suckut | |
Storyboard artist | Maximilian Vogel | |
Extras coordinator | Moritz Renner 1 day | 1 day |
Editor | Sebastian Bonde | |
Editor | Anna Nekarda Series Mania | Series Mania |
Editor | Florian Miosge | |
Assistant editor | Tabea Hannappel | |
Key grip | Matthias Neumeister | |
Dolly grip | Gregor Blüher | |
Grip | Oliver Rduch Zusatz NRW | Zusatz NRW |
Gaffer | Stephan Rother | |
Gaffer | Yassin Khateeb 5 DT NRW | 5 DT NRW |
Gaffer | Benjamin Erdenberger | |
Gaffer | Paul Maximilian Näther 2 DT | 2 DT |
Best boy electric | Thijs-Johannes Wagelaar | |
Best boy electric | Oliver Geissler | |
Lighting technician / electrician | Felix Plüddemann | |
Lighting technician / electrician | Christopher Reiners 1DT Nachdreh Berlin | 1DT Nachdreh Berlin |
Lighting technician / electrician | Paul Pallapies NRW & Nachdreh Berlin | NRW & Nachdreh Berlin |
Lighting technician / electrician | Florian Heinrich 1DT Nachdreh Berlin | 1DT Nachdreh Berlin |
Lighting technician / electrician | Christoph Grunz | |
Lighting technician / electrician | Christoph Cassel | |
Lighting technician / electrician | Hans-Ulrich 'Ulli' Graefe | |
Lighting technician / electrician | Alexander Jung Zusatz | Zusatz |
Lighting technician / electrician | Philipp Lange Set Lighting (Blackout) | Set Lighting (Blackout) |
Lighting assistant | Anthony Tenambergen | |
Makeup artist / hair stylist | Skadi Lesske HoD | HoD |
Makeup artist / hair stylist | Benjamin Wendl | |
Fx makeup artist | Jörg Runk Prosthetic Herstellung | Prosthetic Herstellung |
Additional make up artist | Susanne Jiritano additional Make-up Artist | additional Make-up Artist |
Additional make up artist | Daniela Blaschke | |
Additional make up artist | Iselin Brockes Crowd - 11 Tage | Crowd - 11 Tage |
Composer | Andreas Pfeiffer | |
Producer | Jakob D. Weydemann | |
Producer | Jonas Weydemann | |
Producer | Milena Klemke | |
Producer | Yvonne Wellie | |
Development producer | Helge Netsch | |
Development producer | Maleen Haug | |
Development producer | Anna Göpfert | |
Development producer | Niklas Cerezo Alarcón | |
Development executive (studio/network) | Manuela Stacke | |
Development executive (studio/network) | Wiebke Werner | |
Development executive (studio/network) | Marko Massinger | |
Assistant to producer | Linda Funmilayo Smith | |
Production designer | Susanna Haneder | |
Assistant production designer | Carina Wolf | |
Assistant production designer | Lea Preuße | |
Set decorator | Esther Häring | |
Set decoration buyer | Florian Singer [1] | |
Art department assistant | Annika Liesen | |
Art department assistant | Lisa Meyer set dec hand | set dec hand |
Prop master | Simona Hilbert Drehblock 2 | Drehblock 2 |
Prop master | Dor Keren Technik | Technik |
Prop master | Louise Pokutta | |
Prop master | Marie-Charlotte Elbers Technik | Technik |
Assistant to propmaster /- buyer | Maria Linkiewicz | |
Assistant to propmaster /- buyer | Simona Hilbert Drehblock 1 | Drehblock 1 |
Standby props | Hanna Klumpp | |
Set dresser | Christoph Henß | |
Set dresser | Annelie Siems Reshoot | Reshoot |
Set dresser | Joris Walleneit | |
Set dresser | Lena Fay | |
Set dresser | Philip Schönfelder | |
Set dresser | Alexis Kunze | |
Art department coordinator | Laura Klippel | |
Assistant stand by props | Marcel Ruben Schön | |
Picture car/vehilcle coordinator | René Osko | |
Location scout | Dorothee Leuck | |
Location scout | Lukas Gontovos | |
Location scout | Gernot Zeglien additional motif search | additional motif search |
Assistant location scout | Luis Dams | |
Set builder | Marcus Striedl | |
Set builder | Robin Brepohl NRW | NRW |
Stand by set builder | Frederik Arzenheimer | |
Scenic painter | Eva-Maria Müller | |
Graphic artist | Michael Gronendahl Screen Animations | Screen Animations |
Graphic artist | Holger Reißig | |
Property driver | Kevin Kerle Set Dec und Props Ersatz | Set Dec und Props Ersatz |
Property driver | Rene Göttel Daily/Berlin | Daily/Berlin |
Property driver | Nicolai Brodhuhn | |
Line producer | Paul Zischler | |
Assistant to line producer | Michaela Finis Vorbereitung | Vorbereitung |
Production manager | Katja Christochowitz | |
Production coordinator | Marie Strippel | |
Assistant production manager | Nicole Brautzsch | |
Unit manager (local system) | Laura Einmahl | |
Covid coordinator | Nils-Philipp von Westernhagen | |
Covid coordinator | Moritz Großerhode | |
Location manager (local system) | Christopher Scheichen-Ost | |
Production coordinator assistant | Benjamin Schiller | |
Set manager/ floor manager | David Bollwerk 2nd Unit | 2nd Unit |
Set manager/ floor manager | Martin Stange | |
Assistant location manager | Sascha Faleschini 1 Monat Vorbereitung Berlin + Location Scouting | 1 Monat Vorbereitung Berlin + Location Scouting |
Assistant location manager | Julia Konkel | |
Assistant location manager | Noam Rapaport | |
Assistant location manager | Rasmus Eckermann | |
Assistant location manager | Benjamin Schiller | |
Assistant set/floor manager | Maximilian Trojanski | |
Assistant set/floor manager | Martin Lorenz [2] | |
Assistant set/floor manager | Maya Silva 10 Drehtage | 10 Drehtage |
Assistant set/floor manager | Julia Konkel | |
Production driver | Torsten Paterok | |
Production driver | David Friedewald Vom 28.06.-05.07. NRW | Vom 28.06.-05.07. NRW |
Production driver | Dieter Weinreis 12.7.22 bis 26.7.22 NRW, Berlin | 12.7.22 bis 26.7.22 NRW, Berlin |
Production driver | Brendan Rousseau | |
Production driver | Silvio Heß | |
Set runner | Sebastian Höne | |
Set runner | Vivien Götze | |
Set runner | Moritz Kühn 1 DT | 1 DT |
Showrunner | Jonas Weydemann | |
Showrunner | Jakob D. Weydemann | |
Head writer | Stefanie Ren | |
Screenwriter | Jonas Weydemann | |
Screenwriter | Nicki Bloom | |
Screenwriter | Sabrina Sarabi | |
Screenwriter | Stefanie Ren Headwriter & Episodes 1-6 | Headwriter & Episodes 1-6 |
Screenwriter | Damian John Harper | |
Idea | Paul Salisbury | |
Production sound mixer | Kai Lüde-Martens | |
Production sound mixer | Andreas Ruft 1 week + 2 days replacement | 1 week + 2 days replacement |
Boom operator | Sven Krüger | |
Boom operator | Karoline Schürer 2. Tonassistentin, 45 Drehtage | 2. Tonassistentin, 45 Drehtage |
Boom operator | Marco Krüger | |
Boom operator | Fanny Thera Harisch UST - Shooting day 73 & 74 | UST - Shooting day 73 & 74 |
Adr boom operator | Peyman Ghalambor | |
Assistant to sound re-recording mixer | Anton Dillinger For Rotor Film | For Rotor Film |
Foley recordist | Erik Zaiser | |
Adr editor | Felicitas Heck Ep. 1-3 | Ep. 1-3 |
Dialogue editor | Clemens Nürnberger | |
Special effects supervisor | Martin Goeres | |
Special effects coordinator | Johara Raukamp | |
Special effects technician | Lion David Bogus | |
Special effects technician | Leon Mark | |
Special effects technician | Jannis Lippisch | |
Special effects technician | Max Krämer | |
Aerial coordinator | Leon Mark & Utility Stunts | & Utility Stunts |
Stunt coordinator | Martin Goeres | |
Stunt coordinator | Steffen Jung Vertretung für Martin Goeres | Vertretung für Martin Goeres |
Stunt coordinator | Nikolai Mohr | |
Stunt dept. coordinator | Johara Raukamp | |
Stuntman/woman | Matthias Schmidt [5] Stunt Performer | Stunt Performer |
Stuntman/woman | Charleen Frembgen Stunt Player Journalist | Stunt Player Journalist |
Stunt rigger | Lion David Bogus | |
Stunt rigger | Tanja Pelster | |
Stunt rigger | Niklas Kinzel Only Prep | Only Prep |
Head of development | Tim Biedert | |
Line producer (broadcaster) | Tom Sternitzke | |
Hygiene officer | Long Vu Ersatzweise | Ersatzweise |
Intimacy coordinator | Chun Mei Tan | |
Intimacy coordinator | Julia Effertz | |
Subtitle editor | Lisa Gewehr subtitles DE-DE | subtitles DE-DE |
Sustainability manager | Margit Mägdefrau |
Company | Comment |
Weydemann Bros Serial Drama GmbH [de] | |
VIS - Viacom International Studios [us] |
Department | Company | Comment |
Cameras and Utilities | Cine-Mobil GmbH | |
Cameras and Utilities | | |
Cameras and Utilities | Moonrocketfilms On Set Lab // DIT // Equipment | On Set Lab // DIT // Equipment |
Cameras and Utilities | Vantage Film GmbH | |
Grip | Maier Bros. GmbH | |
Extras/Bit Player | agentur wanted Berlin | Berlin |
Stunts | MG Action FULL ACTION SERVICE - Stunts, SFX, Weapons | FULL ACTION SERVICE - Stunts, SFX, Weapons |
Lighting and Utilities | Gegenlicht Design Nachdreh 1DT | Nachdreh 1DT |
Lighting and Utilities | Maier Bros. GmbH | |
Finance/Law/Insurance | adag Payroll Services GmbH | |
Finance/Law/Insurance | Teamwork-Filmservice GmbH | |
Production Consulting | GPDS GERMAN PROTECT & DEFENSE SERVICE GmbH | |
Production Services | BPS Dienstleistungen und Services GmbH | |
Production Services | Filmobil Garderobenmobil 7,5 t | Garderobenmobil 7,5 t |
Production Services | Filmservice Andermann HVZ, Blocker, Nachtwachen, Setwachen NRW | HVZ, Blocker, Nachtwachen, Setwachen NRW |
Production Services | Filmteam Helping Hands | Helping Hands |
Production Services | Star's Dinner Express GmbH Catering | Catering |
Public Relation/Publicity | Media Office GbR Pressearbeit zur Ausstrahlung im Februar 2023 | Pressearbeit zur Ausstrahlung im Februar 2023 |
Script | Way Film GmbH – Translation & Production | |
Transportation, Travel and Accomodation | Crew Shuttle Cologne [de] div. crew/cast shuttle services | div. crew/cast shuttle services |
Transportation, Travel and Accomodation | Filmschatten UG Fahrzeug Umsetzung | Fahrzeug Umsetzung |
Transportation, Travel and Accomodation | Frank H. Scheller Courier services | Courier services |
Costumes | MG Action MEK Assault Team, Gear, Real Weapons and Stunt Performers MG FORCES | MEK Assault Team, Gear, Real Weapons and Stunt Performers MG FORCES |
Costumes | Theaterkunst GmbH Kostümausstattung KB - Teresa Grosser | KB - Teresa Grosser |
Decoration | Brainnail Set constructions Berlin | Set constructions Berlin |
Decoration | HOLZUNDGUT Raumkonzepte GmbH | |
Decoration | Stoffwerke Marion Herdle Anfertigung Textile Dekorationen | Anfertigung Textile Dekorationen |
Locations and Studios | Luricky UG | |
Props | Adlershofer Fundus | |
Props | FTA Film- und Theater-Ausstattung GmbH | |
Props | VideoArtLab Achim Goebel Handyeinspieler, Animationen, PC-Einspieler | Handyeinspieler, Animationen, PC-Einspieler |
Special Effects | MG Action FULL ACTION SERVICE - Stunts, SFX, Weapons | FULL ACTION SERVICE - Stunts, SFX, Weapons |
Vehicles and aircrafts | Berlin City Cops Police | Police |
Vehicles and aircrafts | Cars for Movies Spielfahrzeuge komplett, Umbau Autonomes Fahrzeug | Spielfahrzeuge komplett, Umbau Autonomes Fahrzeug |
Vehicles and aircrafts | GPDS GERMAN PROTECT & DEFENSE SERVICE GmbH DLK turntable ladder vehicle, HLF auxiliary fire-fighting vehicle, RTW ambulance | DLK turntable ladder vehicle, HLF auxiliary fire-fighting vehicle, RTW ambulance |
Vehicles and aircrafts | Unipkws, Unipolis, MEKler, Justizuniformen, Polizeiuniformen | Unipkws, Unipolis, MEKler, Justizuniformen, Polizeiuniformen |
Video/Computer Playback | PRODUCTION CONCEPT Service GmbH car plates | car plates |
Film Processing/Transfers | Rotor Film GmbH Sound & image postproduction | Sound & image postproduction |
Titles | Filmgraphik |
Award winner | Year | Award | Category | |
Susanna Haneder | 2023 | Deutsche Akademie für Fernsehen (DAfFNE) [de] Best Production Design | Best Production Design | Nominated |
Andreas Pfeiffer | 2023 | Deutsche Akademie für Fernsehen (DAfFNE) [de] Best Score | Best Score | Winner |
Year | Country | Festival | Comment |
2023 | France | Series Mania International Panorama | International Panorama |
Type | Country | Station | Date / Time | Comment |
First showing | Germany | Paramount+ | Thursday, 16/02/2023 | Worldwide Release on Paramount+ |