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  • No Budget
    Key CostumerMünchenKurzspielfilm: Sensitive Child19 Tage alt
    We are still looking for a key costumer for our short film.

    Shooting is planned for April 22-25, 2025 in Munich, but is not yet one hundred percent fixed. Please note that this is a project where the focus is on gaining experience and unfortunately we cannot offer a fee. However, the film will definitely be published on YouTube and possibly submitted to film festivals.

    The casting will take place online and the movie will be shot in English.

    The short film Sensitive Child tells the story of Sofia, a young woman in her early 20s who struggles with mental illness, anxiety and addiction. As she tries to cope with her everyday life, she becomes increasingly dependent on Xanax, which puts a strain on her relationships and her condition. The film explores the themes of mental health, coping strategies and personal challenges.

    It would be very good if you come from Munich or have a place to live in Munich.

    We look forward to hearing from you! :)