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Willa Poster | © cocofilms
© cocofilms
Kurzspielfilm | 2013-2015 | Mystery | Deutschland



DrehorteMünchen, Harz


Lauflänge15 Min.
SeitenverhältnisCinemascope (1 : 2,39)
BildnegativmaterialRedcode RAW 4K
BildpositivmaterialRedcode RAW 4K


A railway station in the middle of nowhere. David is looking for his girlfriend: Willa. They were on their way to their own wedding, when an accident made them stuck at a small railway station. Now Willa is missing and none of the other fellow passengers know where she is. Although the next train is so supposed to come any minute, David leaves the railway station to search for Willa. The warnings of the others, that the forest is dangerous and that there are supposed to lurk wolves doesn’t restrain him from walking outside.........
Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
Karoline SchuchWilla [HR]
Fabian OehlDavid [HR]
Martin NeuhausDudek [NR]
Dunja BengschFrau Lander [NR]
Mareile BlendlMutter [NR]
Butz Ulrich BuseHerr Lander [NR]
Mai Duong KieuKoreanerin [NR]
Marie Anne FliegelFrau Palmer [NR]

Vertriebs- / Verleihfirmen

Aug&Ohr Medien [de]
Film Festival Agency
Film Festival Agency
Adrian Campean2015Sydney Indie Film Festival [au]
Best Cinematography
Best Cinematographynominiert
Helena Hufnagel2015Farcume Faro's Short-Film Festival [pt]
Best Fiction Film /
Best Fiction Film /gewonnen
Helena Hufnagel2015Sydney Indie Film Festival [au]
Best Visual Effects
Best Visual Effectsnominiert
Helena Hufnagel2015FilmQuest [us]
Best Fiction Flm
Best Fiction Flmnominiert