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Widok z mojego balkonu

    Alle Titel (2)
    TV-Film | 2018 | Fernsehtheater | Polen


    A psychological study of a family—a father, mother and daughter—waiting for their son and brother, who has been convicted for paedophilia, to come home from prison. Seven years have passed and they're now counting off the days, trying to prepare themselves for his return. Any joy they might feel is deeply hidden beneath their anxiety and fear of the life that awaits the reunited family. The waiting has left its mark on all three of them, isolating them from other people and from one another. They try to deal with their trauma by making absurdly meticulous preparations for the homecoming.

    The local community is represented by a nosey neighbour, a friend of the convict's sister, who takes perverse pleasure in spying on the family from her balcony. Why is evil so appealing? Why do people take pleasure in misfortunes of others? What makes them so keen to watch suffering from a safe distance?
    Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
    Anna PróchniakDaughter [HR]
    Agnieszka KrukównaMother [HR]
    Sławomir OrzechowskiFather [HR]
    Agnieszka SkrzypczakNeighbor [NR]
    Ewa Małecki2020Interpretations Festival
    Best Directing
    Best Directingnominiert
    Ewa Małecki2019Teatrotekafest
    Best Directing
    Best Directinggewonnen
    Ewa Małecki2018WorldFest Independent Film Festival [us]
    Gold Remi Award
    Gold Remi Awardgewonnen
    2019PolenYouth and Film FF