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Dokumentarfilm | 2019 | Natur-Umwelt, Porträt | Österreich, USA


Like a crime-fighting superhero of the high seas, Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson has spent his life sailing the globe to keep our oceans and their inhabitants safe.
Kameramann/DoPLogan Schneider
Unterwasser KameramannCristian Dimitrius
KomponistChristophe Beck
ProduzentinLouise Runge
ProduzentinLesley Chilcott
ProduzentWolfgang Knöpfler
Executive ProducerJeff Skoll
Executive ProducerinDiane Weyermann
Executive ProducerinElise Pearlstein
Executive ProducerWalter Köhler
Executive ProducerinDinah Czezik-Müller
Executive ProducerMichael Frenschkowski
RegisseurinLesley Chilcott
FilmeditorGreg Finton