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EN / DE / FR / PL / ΕΛ / ES / IT / LT / RO


    Alle Titel (2)
    Kinospielfilm | 2022-2024 | Drama, Katastrophe, Survival, Thriller | Frankreich


    Julia and her loving husband celebrate her son’s birthday on their boat in the middle of the ocean. When a violent storm nearly capsizes them, the family awakes in a desert land. Earth has undergone a tragic polarity reversal, draining water from the oceans. After her husband’s death, Julia must save her children in a world where hungry creatures from the abyss hunt for fresh flesh!
    Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
    Andreas PietschmannTom [HR]
    Émilie DequenneJulia [HR]
    Lisa DelamarCassie [NR]
    Lucas EbelBen [NR]
    Arben BajraktarajMan with the harpoon [NR]
    Olivier Ho-Hio-HenNao [NR]
    Simon RérolleAdam [NR]

    Vertriebs- / Verleihfirmen

    Ginger & Fed [fr]
    KMBO [fr]
    WTFilms [fr]

    Im Kino: Filmstarts und Uraufführungen

    KinostartFrankreichMittwoch, 19.06.2024