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Dokumentarfilm | 2015-2017 | arte, YLE TV [fi] | Deutschland, Estland, Finnland


    Perhaps the only actually functioning system in the Soviet Union was its distinctive network of hippies. Not only did they call themselves Sistema, but this particular self-support system connecting various drop-outs across the urban underground Soviet Union formed a different kind of a hippie movement that lasted through decades. Nevertheless, to be a hippie in the Soviet Union was a serious existential choice, often with no return to ‘normal’ life. In the eyes of the KGB, the hippies were poisoned by degraded Western influences, posing a real danger to the Soviet regime and the moral construction of Homo Sovieticus. (http://www.soviethippies.com/)
    DrehbuchautorTerje Toomistu
    Kameramann/DoPTaavi Arus
    ProduzentinSarita Sharma
    ProduzentinLiis Lepik
    KoproduzentSami Jahnukainen
    ProduktionsassistentinViviana Koch
    Assistentin der AufnahmeleitungViviana Koch
    RegisseurTerje Toomistu
    FilmeditorMartin Männik

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