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Ruides | © 2018 Dorcon Film
© 2018 Dorcon Film
Teaser (Spielfilmkonzept) | 2017-2018 | Abenteuer, Fantasy, Science Fiction | Deutschland


In Gomorrah, der letzten Zuflucht in einer postapokalyptischen Welt, geht das überlebenswichtige Öl zur Neige. Da entdeckt die Wissenschaftlerin Yona den Zugang zur heilen Spiegelwelt Ruides, wo rettende Rohstoffe in Fülle vorhanden sind. Deren Ausbeutung aber wäre der unabwendbare Untergang der Spiegelwelt.

(Quelle: Nordmedia)

To save her people in an post-apocalyptic world deprived of fossils fuels needed for survival, young scientist Yona trespasses into the enemies' pristine land to exploit it. But on her journey she learns that greed can be deadly and that not only nature but also the love she finds there need her protection. In a race against time, she has to face the decision to either follow her heart or turn against her own people to prevent what she initially set out to do.
Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
Julia DordelDelga [HR]
Dorothee NeffYona [HR]
John KeoghOswald Hardangel [HR]
Nicolò PasettiMathus [HR]


Dorcon Film [de]