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Restore Point

    Alle Titel (3)
    Kinospielfilm | 2020-2021 | Crime, Science Fiction, Thriller | Polen, Serbien, Slowakei, Tschechische Republik


    Europe, 2038. After stabilizing the first refugee crisis followed by several terrorist attacks, the Free European Federation issues a new constitutional law that guarantees the citizens “one whole life to live”.
    Due to new technologies, everyone has the right of recovery in case of an unnatural death. In such a society, an “absolute” murder is nearly impossible. Ambitious detective, Emma Trochinowska
    is assigned with a murder case of a married couple. But the restoration team is able to bring only one of the spouses back to life. Together, they attempt to shed light on the case and find out if the second
    chance isn’t just another easily exploitable instrument dealing with the consequences instead of the cause itself.


    Príbeh filmu je zasadený do roku 2041, kedy ľudstvo používa veľmi vyspelé technológie a ústava všetkým občanom garantuje právo na "jeden celý život". Po neprirodzenej smrti, ako je napríklad autonehoda alebo teroristický útok, tak môže byť človek obnovený zo svojej digitálnej zálohy. Stačí si každé dva dni pravidelne vytvárať digitálnu zálohu svojej osobnosti – "bod obnovy". Ale zaslúži si vôbec ľudstvo právo na druhú šancu?
    Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
    Matěj HádekDavid Kurlstat [HR]
    Andrea MohylováEmma Trochinowska [HR]Franziska Endres
    Peter Bebjakn.n. [NR]
    Tomáš Maštalířn.n. [NR]
    Václav NeuzilAgent Mansfeld [NR]
    Karel DobrýRohan [NR]
    Milan OndríkViktor Toffer [NR]
    Katarzyna ZawadzkaKristina Kurlstatova [NR]
    Adam VaculaPeter [NR]
    Agáta KryštůfkováDr. Petra Legerová [NR]
    Jan Vlasákn.n. [NR]
    Iveta Duškován.n. [NR]
    Richard Stanken.n. [NR]
    Lech Dyblikn.n. [NR]


    Film Kolektiv [cz]
    Česká televize [cz]
    DNA Production [sk]
    Film Produkcja [pl]
    Mali Budo Film Production House [rs]

    Vertriebs- / Verleihfirmen

    Bioscop [cz]
    Continental Film [sk]
    XYZ Films [us]
    sales agency
    sales agency
    Jarosław Kamiński2024Český lev - Czech Lion - Czech Film and Television Academy Award (CFTA) [cz]
    Bester Schnitt
    Bester Schnittgewonnen
    Robert Hloz2024Český lev - Czech Lion - Czech Film and Television Academy Award (CFTA) [cz]
    Ondřej Lipenský2024Český lev - Czech Lion - Czech Film and Television Academy Award (CFTA) [cz]
    Bestes Szenenbild
    Bestes Szenenbildgewonnen
    Filip Marek [1]2024Český lev - Czech Lion - Czech Film and Television Academy Award (CFTA) [cz]
    Beste Bildgestaltung
    Beste Bildgestaltunggewonnen
    Lukáš Ujčík2024Český lev - Czech Lion - Czech Film and Television Academy Award (CFTA) [cz]
    Bestes Sounddesign
    Bestes Sounddesigngewonnen
    Samuel Jurkovič2024Český lev - Czech Lion - Czech Film and Television Academy Award (CFTA) [cz]
    Bestes Sounddesign
    Bestes Sounddesigngewonnen
    Jan Šulcek2020Český lev - Czech Lion - Czech Film and Television Academy Award (CFTA)
    Bestes Sounddesign
    Bestes Sounddesigngewonnen
    2023DeutschlandFilmFestival Cottbus
    2023SpanienSitges Int. Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia
    2023Tschechische RepublikInt. Film Festival Karlovy Vary (KVIFF)
    Special Screenings
    Special Screenings

    Im Kino: Filmstarts und Uraufführungen

    KinostartSlowakeiDonnerstag, 21.09.2023
    UraufführungMontag, 03.07.2023Karlovy Vary IFF - European premiere (special screenings)