Marco J. Riedl | 2012 | Texas International Film Festival 2011 [us] Feature / 3rd Place / Honorable Mention Award | Feature / 3rd Place / Honorable Mention Award | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2012 | Irvine International Film Festival [us] Best Student Film Award | Best Student Film Award | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2012 | Mountain Film Awards [us] Best Short Film Award | Best Short Film Award | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2012 | Beaufort International Film Festival [us] Best Short Film Award | Best Short Film Award | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2012 | HD FEST New York/Portland [us] Best Cinematography Feature | Best Cinematography Feature | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2012 | HD FEST New York/Portland [us] Best HD Feature 2nd Place | Best HD Feature 2nd Place | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2012 | HD FEST New York/Portland [us] Best Director Feature 2nd Place | Best Director Feature 2nd Place | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2012 | HD FEST New York/Portland [us] Best Screenplay Feature | Best Screenplay Feature | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2012 | Garden State Film Festival New Jersey [us] International Narrative Short Film Awad | International Narrative Short Film Awad | gewonnen |
Marc Steinicke | 2012 | HD FEST New York/Portland [us] Best Cinematography Feature | Best Cinematography Feature | gewonnen |
Frank Bohn | 2011 | Golden Door Int' Film Festival [us] Best Costume Design/Short & Feature | Best Costume Design/Short & Feature | nominiert |
Wotan Wilke Möhring | 2011 | Golden Door Int' Film Festival [us] Best Male Actor in a Short | Best Male Actor in a Short | nominiert |
Katharina Wackernagel | 2011 | Golden Door Int' Film Festival [us] Best Female Actor in a short | Best Female Actor in a short | nominiert |
Katharina Wackernagel | 2011 | Los Angeles Movie Awards I [us] Best Actress (Student) | Best Actress (Student) | gewonnen |
Katharina Wackernagel | 2011 | Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood [us] Best Actress | Best Actress | gewonnen |
Katharina Wackernagel | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Student Film Actress | Best Student Film Actress | gewonnen |
Katharina Wackernagel | 2011 | Maverick Movie Awards Best Actress | Best Actress | nominiert |
Katharina Wackernagel | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival Best Feature Actress | Best Feature Actress | gewonnen |
Mark Olaf Formanek | 2011 | Long Island International Film Expo [us] Best Art Direction, Feature | Best Art Direction, Feature | gewonnen |
Mark Olaf Formanek | 2011 | Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood Best Production Design | Best Production Design | gewonnen |
Mark Olaf Formanek | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Student Film Production Design | Best Student Film Production Design | gewonnen |
Mark Olaf Formanek | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Feature Production Design | Best Feature Production Design | gewonnen |
Mark Olaf Formanek | 2011 | Maverick Movie Awards 2011 Best Production Design | Best Production Design | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Best Shorts Competition, San Diego [us] Award of Excellence / Short Film | Award of Excellence / Short Film | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | NYLA Int. Film Festival [us] Best Student Film | Best Student Film | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Hyart Film Festival Wyoming [us] Honorable Mention Award/ Drama | Honorable Mention Award/ Drama | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Mississippi International Film Festival Best Student Film | Best Student Film | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Route 66 International Film Festival Best Foreign Film Award | Best Foreign Film Award | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Las Vegas Film Festival [us] Silver Ace Award | Silver Ace Award | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Sky Fest Film & Script Festival [us] Short Film, 2nd Place | Short Film, 2nd Place | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Oregon Film Awards Special Jury Award | Special Jury Award | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Treasure Coast Int. Film Festival [us] Best Director | Best Director | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Movie Awards I [us] Best Student Film | Best Student Film | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Movie Awards I [us] Best Director (Student) | Best Director (Student) | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Movie Awards I [us] Best of Show | Best of Show | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Movie Awards I [us] Best Screenplay (Student) | Best Screenplay (Student) | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Nevada Film Festival [us] Platinum Reel Award / Short Competition | Platinum Reel Award / Short Competition | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Newmedia Film Festival [us] Best Feature | Best Feature | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Alabama International Film Festival [us] Best Short Feature | Best Short Feature | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Feature Cinematography | Best Feature Cinematography | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood [us] Best Student Film | Best Student Film | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood [us] Best Director | Best Director | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Cincinnati Film Festival [us] Best Cinematography Short | Best Cinematography Short | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Movie Awards I [us] Best Cinematography Student | Best Cinematography Student | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles International Film Festival Honorable Mention Award / Student Short | Honorable Mention Award / Student Short | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Brantford Film Festival, Ontario [ca] Best Feature Film Award | Best Feature Film Award | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | California Intern. Films Shorts[us] Best Narrative Short | Best Narrative Short | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival Best Student Film | Best Student Film | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Student Film Director | Best Student Film Director | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Student Film Cinematography | Best Student Film Cinematography | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Feature Film | Best Feature Film | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Student Film Screenplay | Best Student Film Screenplay | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | The Accolade competition [us] Award of Merit | Award of Merit | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Cincinnati Film Festival [us] Special Jury Prize/Honorable Mention Award | Special Jury Prize/Honorable Mention Award | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood Best Cinematography | Best Cinematography | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival Best Feature Director | Best Feature Director | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Columbus Int. Film & Video Festival [us] Bronze Plaque Award / Short | Bronze Plaque Award / Short | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Los Angeles Film & Script Festival [us] Best Narrative Short | Best Narrative Short | gewonnen |
Marco J. Riedl | 2011 | Yosemite Film Festival [us] Best Short Film Award | Best Short Film Award | gewonnen |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Golden Door Int' Film Festival [us] Best Editing/Short & Feature | Best Editing/Short & Feature | nominiert |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Golden Door Intern. Film Festival [us] Best Cinematography / Short & Feature | Best Cinematography / Short & Feature | nominiert |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Treasure Coast Int. Film Festival [us] Best Editing | Best Editing | gewonnen |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Treasure Coast Int. Film Festival [us] Best Cinematography | Best Cinematography | nominiert |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Los Angeles Movie Awards I [us] Best Cinematography (Student) | Best Cinematography (Student) | gewonnen |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood [us] Best Cinematography | Best Cinematography | gewonnen |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood [us] Best Digital Effects | Best Digital Effects | gewonnen |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Student Film Cinematography | Best Student Film Cinematography | gewonnen |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Feature Cinematography | Best Feature Cinematography | gewonnen |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Feature Editing | Best Feature Editing | gewonnen |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Feature Special Effect (Digital) | Best Feature Special Effect (Digital) | gewonnen |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Maverick Movie Awards Best Cinematography | Best Cinematography | nominiert |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Maverick Movie Awards Best Special Effects | Best Special Effects | nominiert |
Marc Steinicke | 2011 | Cincinnati Film Festival [us] Best Cinematography / Short | Best Cinematography / Short | gewonnen |
Ronald Nitschke | 2011 | Los Angeles Movie Awards I [us] Best Supporting Actor (Student) | Best Supporting Actor (Student) | gewonnen |
Ronald Nitschke | 2011 | Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood [us] Best Supporting Actor | Best Supporting Actor | gewonnen |
Ronald Nitschke | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Feature Supporting Actor | Best Feature Supporting Actor | gewonnen |
Andrew Reich | 2011 | Long Island International Film Expo [us] Best Original Score, Feature | Best Original Score, Feature | gewonnen |
Andrew Reich | 2011 | Maverick Movie Awards Best Original Score | Best Original Score | nominiert |
Henning Zimmermann | 2011 | Los Angeles Reel Film Festival [us] Best Feature Sound Design | Best Feature Sound Design | gewonnen |
Henning Zimmermann | 2011 | Maverick Movie Awards Best Sound Design/Editing | Best Sound Design/Editing | nominiert |
Marco J. Riedl | 2010 | Max-Ophüls-Preis 2011 Mittellanger Film | Mittellanger Film | nominiert |