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Οι Επισκέπτες (The Visitors) | ©IndigoView

Οι Επισκέπτες

  • The Visitors (Arbeitstitel)
Kurzspielfilm | 2015 | Griechenland



Christmas is here but the family is not. Just when you think you have no one to share these precious moments with, redemption may be found where you least expect it. Even under a wet tarpaulin in the back of a pick-up truck… Inspired by the holiday season and made as a comment on the refugee crisis.
Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
Manolis PoulisGrandfather [HR]
Anastasia VazouGrandmother [HR]
Stella SkordaraMom (immigrant) [NR]


Indigo View Productions
Thodoris 'Theo' Papadoulakis2017International Unseen Film Festival 'Film Sozialak'
Official Competition
Official Competitionnominiert
Thodoris 'Theo' Papadoulakis2017ClujShorts International Short Film Festival
Best Short Film
Best Short Filmnominiert
Thodoris 'Theo' Papadoulakis2017International Short Film Festival ASTERFEST
Best Film - Bronze Horseshoe
Best Film - Bronze Horseshoegewonnen