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    Bei Crew United gelistete Filme

    2024C&A - Back To WorkWerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2021C&A - Fit (3 Spots)WerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2020C&A - Christmas 2020WerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2020Vitamalz - Das neue Vitamalz SportWerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2020C&A - Winter 2020WerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2020C&A - Back To School 2020WerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2020TUC - CrispinessWerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2020Deichmann Elefanten - Expedition ins Kinderreich. Der Dschungel ruft! (AT)WerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2019Kabbani (Webreportage)ReportageProducerin
    2019Fielmann Insight - MarrakeshWerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2019Vogue x Guerlain - ImageWerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2019Porsche - WTA FinalsWerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2019Ford Service - Video Check FCSD 2020 (AT)WerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2019C&A - Xmas 2019WerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2019Porsche 718T - Influencer (AT)WerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2019Santé Naturkosmetik - AugencremeWerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2019Ford - Ford Active 2WerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2019Deichmann / Elefanten - HärtetestWerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2019Deichmann / Elefanten - KaufladenWerbefilmExecutive Producerin
    2019C&A - Back To SchoolWerbefilmExecutive Producerin