1st AD | Sven Kämmerer Shadow 1st Berlin | Shadow 1st Berlin |
2nd AD | Ignacio Chávez Rodríguez Executive production of the French part by Lionceau Films | Executive production of the French part by Lionceau Films |
Crowd 2nd AD | Stephanie Andrzejewski | |
3rd AD | Selena Goedeke Tort | |
AD PA | Valentin Müns | |
Crowd Marshall | Christian Theisinger | |
Crowd Marshall | Paulina Maria Ochmann Berlin | Berlin |
Casting Associate | Noëmy Soffys Casting secondary roles and extras (Lyon, France) | Casting secondary roles and extras (Lyon, France) |
Komparsen-, Kleindarstellercasting | Quentin Wojtas Agentur Filmgesichter / Berlin | Agentur Filmgesichter / Berlin |
Creator | Paula Fabra | |
Creator | Sara Cano | |
Creator | Rodrigo Sorogoyen | |
Costume Supervisor | Yamay Blanco | |
Kostümbildassistentin | Casas Ines 2. Kostümbildassistentin | 2. Kostümbildassistentin |
Setkostüm (Garderobiere) | Annett Schneider Berlin | Berlin |
Setkostüm (Zusatz) | Viktoria Dautun | |
Beleuchter | Luis Felipe Riveros Latorre | |
Lichtassistent | Yannick Kuehn | |
Additional Makeup Artist | Mercedes Kordasch | |
Additional Makeup Artist | Theresa Bloser | |
Additional Hair Stylist | Jenny Jost Komparserie Berlin | Komparserie Berlin |
Additional Hair Stylist | Sophie Ausserer | |
Additional Hair Stylist | Sarah Jill Wälisch Komparserie Berlin | Komparserie Berlin |
Executive Producer | Fran Araújo Movistar + | Movistar + |
Executive Producer | Rodrigo Sorogoyen | |
Assistant-, Junior-Producerin | Julia Brachert | |
Set Decorator (Ausstatterin) | Diana Aldana Paez | |
Set Decorator (Ausstatterin) | Greta Bolzoni Berlin | Berlin |
Ausstattungsassistentin | Manon Lemaitre I was part of the French team for the episode filmed in Lyon. | I was part of the French team for the episode filmed in Lyon. |
Location Scout | Jens Schardetzki Berlin Locations | Berlin Locations |
Assistentin der Herstellungsleitung | Elena Zurbuch Folge 5, Berlin | Folge 5, Berlin |
Production Supervisor | Julia Brachert Ep. 5, Berlin | Ep. 5, Berlin |
Produktionsassistent | Nikolas Hoose | |
Setaufnahmeleiter | Logan Caster | |
Assistent der Aufnahmeleitung | Valentin Courel repérages | repérages |
Produktionsfahrer | Massimo Di Nonno | |
Produktionsfahrerin | Mina Henriette Binder Berlin | Berlin |
Produktionsfahrer | Leon Kluth Folge 5 (Berlin) | Folge 5 (Berlin) |
Equipmentfahrer | Massimo Di Nonno | |
Set Runner | Jakob Wollanke | |
Set Runner | Svenja Felice Neitzel | |
Regisseur | David Martín de los Santos | |
Regisseur | Rodrigo Sorogoyen | |
Regisseurin | Sandra Romero | |
1. Regieassistentin | Coline Perruchon | |