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Leaves Have Fallen

    Alle Titel (2)
    Kinospielfilm | 1975 | Krieg, Psychodrama | Polen


    In "Leaves Have Fallen", while travelling on a train to the seaside, 20-year-old Henryk reminisces about his life during the war. Family and friends who died rematerialise before his eyes. Looking back, he recalls the Nazi humiliation and arrests that he witnessed. He also remembers the day he decided to join a partisan unit, and how he and his brothers-in-arms dreamed of what they would do once the war was over – including taking a trip to the seaside. However, Henryk is the only one lucky enough to see the sea in post-war Poland, as the friends he planned to travel with were all killed by the Germans.

    Stanisław Różewicz based his screenplay on the stories of his brother, Tadeusz. The film’s lack of irony or excessive pathos was also strongly influenced by the death of his other brother, Janusz, who was killed by the Germans in 1944.
    Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
    Arkadiusz Bazak''Wir'' [HR]
    Tadeusz BiałoszczyńskiProfesor [HR]
    Bohdan Ejmont''Maks'' [HR]
    Mieczysław HryniewiczHenryk [HR]
    Maria Klejdyszn.n. [HR]


    Studio Filmowe Tor [pl]
    Tadeusz Różewicz1975Festiwal Lubuskie Lato Filmowe [pl]
    Award for educational qualities
    Award for educational qualitiesgewonnen
    Jerzy Wójcik1975Festiwal Polskich Filmów Fabularnych [pl]
    Best Cinematography
    Best Cinematographygewonnen
    Urszula Śliwińska1975Festiwal Polskich Filmów Fabularnych [pl]
    "Silver Lions" for the Best Film
    "Silver Lions" for the Best Filmgewonnen