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Lato | ©TVP
TV-Film | 2018 | Fernsehtheater | Polen


RegieJan Englert
DrehbuchJan Englert, Tadeusz Rittner (Literarische Vorlage)
ProduktionTVP Telewizja Polska [pl]


Lauflänge71 min
Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
Dominika Kluźniakn.n. [HR]
Jan Englertn.n. [HR]
Beata Ścibakówna - Englertn.n. [HR]
Marcin Francn.n. [HR]
Ewa Wiśniewskan.n. [HR]
Grzegorz Małeckin.n. [NR]


TVP Telewizja Polska [pl]
Dominika Kluźniak2019Festival of Polish Radio Theatre and Polish Television Theatre Two Theatres
Best Performance
Best Performancegewonnen
Grzegorz Małecki2019Festival of Polish Radio Theatre and Polish Television Theatre Two Theatres
Best Performance
Best Performancegewonnen
Piotr Wojtowicz2019Festival of Polish Radio Theatre and Polish Television Theatre Two Theatres
Beste Kamera
Beste Kameragewonnen
Ewa Wiśniewska2019Festival of Polish Radio Theatre and Polish Television Theatre Two Theatres
ZASP Award
ZASP Awardgewonnen
Marcin Franc2019Festival of Polish Radio Theatre and Polish Television Theatre Two Theatres
Special Mention
Special Mentiongewonnen
Piotr Moss2019Festival of Polish Radio Theatre and Polish Television Theatre Two Theatres
Beste Filmmusik
Beste Filmmusikgewonnen


ArtLandSenderDatum / ZeitAnmerkung
ErstausstrahlungPolenTVP [pl]Montag, 19.11.2018