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Katharina Keil, 1. Regieassistentin, Script Supervisor, Berlin
©Katharina Keil
  • 1. Regieassistentin
  • Script Supervisor
beschäftigt bis: 22. August 2025


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    Über Katharina Keil

    Katharina Keil is a multi-award-winning director and producer of short films. WAVES, her most recent production, won a slew of awards, including Best Director in Brussels and the Cannes World Film Festival.

    Possessed of an adventurous spirit, the inveterate trilingual traveller has made film and television features across three continents. With over 20 years of experience as a script supervisor and assistant director, she has read more than a 1000 scripts. Her credits include AFI award-winning films, long-run television series, telemovies and short films. Committed to her craft, Katharina has a BA in Screen Production, multiple AFTRS course credits, and is a member of the MEAA and ADG (Australian Directors Guild).

    As a dual Australian-German citizen of Greek heritage, Katharina is a poster child for multicultural Australia. Standing at the nexus of a melange of diverse cultures has empowered her to tell stories through an idiosyncratic lens. Like the woman herself, Katharina's films convey a compassionate blend of empathy for the human condition and an understanding of the vagaries of the individual psyche. Yet all her titles are tinged with her trademark warmth and laconic sense of humour. It is this unique blend of insight and approachability that marks her work as a beacon of thoughtful storytelling.
    Katharina is currently in post-production on her latest project, entitled OPA, a compelling tale of clashing cultures 'where superstition and destiny collide.'

    Known for

    Fiktionale Filme als 1. Regieassistentin

    TV-Serie, ZDF [de]diverseStudio.TV.Film GmbHVertretung
    2007Rosamunde Pilcher - Aus Liebe und Leidenschaft
    Süd England
    TV-Film (Reihe)Karl KasesFFP New Media GmbHSüd England
    2006Verliebt in Berlin
    Block 85 & 88
    TV-Serie, SAT.1diverseUFA Serial Drama GmbHBlock 85 & 88
    2006Wege zum Glück
    Süd Afrika Dreh & Serie
    TV-Serie, ZDF [de]diverseUFA Serial Drama GmbHSüd Afrika Dreh & Serie
    2005Bianca - Wege zum Glück
    ab Mai 2005
    TV-Serie, ZDF [de]diverseUFA Serial Drama GmbHab Mai 2005
    2005Wege zum Glück
    Regieassistenz in Süd Afrika
    TV-Serie, ZDF [de]diverseUFA Serial Drama GmbHRegieassistenz in Süd Afrika

    Fiktionale Filme als Script Supervisor

    2024Tatort - Königin (AT)
    TV-Film (Reihe), NDR [de]Johannes NaberNordfilm GmbH [de]Additional
    TV-Serie, ZDFneo [de]diverseIconoclast Films Germany GmbHVertretung
    2024LöwenzahnTV-Serie, ZDF [de]diverseStudio.TV.Film GmbH
    2024KangarooKinospielfilmKate WoodsStudiocanal [au/nz]
    2023House of GodsMiniserie, ABC Australia [au]Fadia AbboudMatchbox Pictures [au]
    2023Population 11TV-Serie, Stan [au]Ben YoungJungle Entertainment [au]
    2023PlumMiniserie, ABC Australia [au]Wayne BlairRoadshow Rough Diamond [au]
    2023RuntKinospielfilmJohn SheedySee Pictures PTY [au]
    2022Queen of OzTV-Serie, BBC [uk]Christiaan Van VuurenLingo Pictures [au]
    2022Last Days of the Space AgeTV-Serie, Disney+Bharat NalluriPrincess Pictures [au]
    2022WellmaniaTV-Serie, NetflixErin WhiteFremantle Australia [au]
    2021IrreverentTV-Serie, Peacock [us]Jonathan TeplitzkyMatchbox Pictures [au]
    2 episodes
    TV-Serie, Stan [au]Kriv StendersRoadshow Rough Diamond [au]2 episodes
    2020The Wilds
    2nd Season 2021
    TV-Serie, Prime Video (Amazon)diverseAmazon Studios [us]2nd Season 2021
    2020Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
    2nd Unit
    KinospielfilmDestin CrettonWalt Disney Pictures [us]2nd Unit
    2018Measure for MeasureKinospielfilmPaul IrelandToothless Pictures PTY LTD [au]
    2017The BBQKinospielfilmStephen AmisBBQ Three Pty Ltd [au]
    2015Berlin SyndromKinospielfilmCate ShortlandAquarius Films [au]
    2015Lion - Der lange Weg nach Hause
    KinospielfilmGarth DavisSee-Saw Films [uk/au]Vertretung
    2015Nowhere BoysTV-Film, ABC Australia [au]David CaesarMatchbox Pictures [au]

    Fiktionale Filme in anderen Tätigkeiten

    2024Opa - PappouKurzspielfilmKatharina KeilKat Productions Pty Ltd [au]Regisseurin
    2022WavesKurzspielfilmKatharina KeilKat Productions Pty Ltd [au]Regisseurin


    2024WavesCorsenal Production International Film Festival - online festival [it]Beste Regiegewonnen
    2023WavesBrussels Short Film Festival [be]Directinggewonnen
    2023WavesShort Film Factory - monthly online festival [ro]March - Best Cheery Filmgewonnen
    2023WavesFeedbak Female Filme Festival - monthly online festival [us]January - Best Short Formgewonnen
    2022WavesCannes World Film Festival - monthly online festival [fr]Beste Regiegewonnen
    2022WavesCannes World Film Festival - monthly online festival [fr]Best Super Short Filmgewonnen


    2024Corsenal Production International Film Festival
    2023Los Angeles Cinematography Awards - monthly online festival [us]
    2023Stockholm Short Festival - monthly online festival [sw]
    2022Cannes World Film Festival - monthly online festival [fr]


    SprachenDeutschEnglischFranzösischGriechisch (Neu)
    AuslandsdreherfahrungAustralien und Ozeanien: Australien
    Mitteleuropa: Deutschland
    Südafrika: Südafrika
    Westeuropa: England
    Unmittelbarer ArbeitsortBerlin
    2. Wohnsitz (falls vorhanden)Sydney
    Bundesland (1. Wohnsitz)Deutschland - Berlin
    WohnmöglichkeitenDarmstadt, Frankfurt, Köln