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Jack & June

Jack & June

  • Jack and June (Arbeitstitel)
Kurzspielfilm | 2020 | Action, Comedy, Drama | Deutschland


DrehregionenDeutschland - Berlin





Jack & June drifted apart. Trapped in everyday life‘s boredome, escaping from reality seems to be the only way out.
Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
Rilana Nitsch
June [HR]
Tim Olcay
Jack [HR]
Rilana Nitsch2020Studio City Int'l Film Festival [us]
Best Foreign Quarantine Short
Best Foreign Quarantine Shortgewonnen
Paul Hilgedieck2020Studio City Int'l Film Festival [us]
Best Foreign Quarantine Short
Best Foreign Quarantine Shortgewonnen
Tim Olcay
2020Studio City Int'l Film Festival [us]
Best Foreign Quarantine Short
Best Foreign Quarantine Shortgewonnen
3 Hrs Pictures, Nitsch, Olcay, Hilgedick [de]2020Studio City Int'l Film Festival [us]
Best Foreign Quarantine Short
Best Foreign Quarantine Shortgewonnen
2021DeutschlandBraunschweig Int. Festival
2020KanadaPhoenix International Short Film Festival
Official Selection
Official Selection
2020Deutschland54 International Hofer Filmtage
2020USAStudio City Film Festival
Best Foreign Quarantine Short
Best Foreign Quarantine Short
2020Vereinigtes KönigreichHidden Film Festival - London
Official Selection
Official Selection