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Highway Melody

    Alle Titel (3)
    Kinospielfilm | 1999-2000 | Komödie | Frankreich


    It’s Jeff’s first day on the job as a freeway maintenance man. He’s taken this job in order to once again see his former girlfriend, Perinne, a toll collector. As Jeff sets up cones on an emergency pull off lane, his letf ear is amputaded in an freak accident. As Perinne searches for Jeff, Jeff searches for his ear, which keep on earing, among the toll booths, rest areas, gaz stations, waves of cars and hoards of drivers.
    Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
    Sacha BourdoJeff [HR]
    Aure AtikaPérinne [HR]
    Marie-France PisierDr. Rouget [NR]
    Philippe NahonMilou [NR]
    Dominique PinonJacky Carpe [NR]
    Marc BermanLécrevisse [NR]
    Sophie ForteCGPette [NR]
    Maïté NahyrMme Sandre [NR]
    Dominique ChevalierFernando [NR]
    Julien CafaroFabrice Turbot [NR]
    Christiane BoppJosie Turbot [NR]
    Sophie MounicotSophie Merlan [NR]
    Marie-Stéphane Cattaneothe teenager [TR]

    Vertriebs- / Verleihfirmen

    United International Pictures (UIP) [fr]

    Im Kino: Filmstarts und Uraufführungen

    KinostartFrankreichMittwoch, 28.06.2000