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Geheime Staatsaffären

  • The Comedy of Power (Internationaler Englischer Titel)
  • La Comédie du pouvoir (Arbeitstitel)
Alle Titel (12)
Kinospielfilm | 2005-2006 | Drama, Politik | Deutschland, Frankreich


SeitenverhältnisWidescreen USA (1 : 1,85)
TonformatDolby SRD / Dolby digital (5.1, 6 channels)


Jeanne Charmant Killman, an examining magistrate, must sort out and prepare for judgment a complex case of misappropriation and embezzlement of public funds implicating the president of an important industrial firm. As her investigation and interrogations progress, she realizes that her power grows: the more she delves into secrets, the more her means of applying pressure increase. However, at the same time, and for the same reasons, her private life becomes more fragile.
Soon she’ll be asking herself two fundamental questions. Until what point can she continue to increase this power without clashing with a power greater than her own? Until what point can human nature resist the intoxication of this power?
Perhaps it will break her in two.
Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
Isabelle HuppertJeanne Charmant-Killman [HR]
François BerléandMichel Humeau [HR]
Patrick BruelJacques Sibaud [HR]
Robin RenucciPhilippe [NR]
Marilyne CantoErika [NR]
Thomas ChabrolFélix [NR]
Jean-François BalmerBoldi [NR]
Pierre VernierLe Président Martino [NR]
Jacques BoudetDescarts [NR]
Philippe DuclosHoléo [NR]
Jean-Christophe BouvetMaître Parlebas [NR]
Roger DumasRené Lange [NR]
Yves VerhoevenLe Greffier [NR]
2006DeutschlandInt. Festpiele Berlin

Im Kino: Filmstarts und Uraufführungen

KinostartFrankreichMittwoch, 22.02.2006