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Der letzte Fang

  • The Last Catch (Internationaler Englischer Titel)
Dokumentarfilm | 2010-2012 | WDR [de] | Deutschland




    Every year large schools of Bluefintuna migrate to their spawing-grounds in the Mediterranean. Although it has long been established that overfishing has left the tuna stocks close to collapse, these days the whole swarm is captured while spawning. Today nobody knows exactly if the stock is about to collapse. Fact is: the majority of marketed tuna on the Japanese markets is not fertile. At the same time the Japanese cooling-houses are packed with frozen tuna- throughout this Tuna-Fort-Knox the trading companies are keeping prices at a minimum. But the fishermen, too, are facing imminent extinction. They have to continue fishing to pay the credits for their boats. The cold logic of game-theory forces them to overexploit the ressources of their own sons. The film exposes the mechanisms of a value chain in the process of destroying its own basis with a strategy based on shortsighted greed.
    ColoristHolger Hessinger
    DrehbuchübersetzerAlex Ross
    Treatment, Synopsis DE -> EN
    Treatment, Synopsis DE -> EN
    Kameramann/DoPAxel Schneppat
    Unterwasser KamerafrauSusanna Salonen
    RegisseurMarkus CM Schmidt
    work in progress
    work in progress
    1. RegieassistentinMarion Glaser
    2009 - 2011
    2009 - 2011
    FilmeditorMarkus CM Schmidt
    SchnittdramaturgMax Kliewer
    zusätzlicher Schnitt
    zusätzlicher Schnitt


    Lichtblick Film GmbH [de]


    Filmbearbeitung/TransferGuerilla Gardens Postproduction
    Markus CM Schmidt201316th CinemAmbiente Torino [it]
    Best Int. Documentary Film
    Best Int. Documentary Filmgewonnen
    Markus CM Schmidt2013Siciliambiente Filmfestival [it]
    Int. Documentarys - Second Price
    Int. Documentarys - Second Pricegewonnen
    Markus CM Schmidt2013NaturVision Ludwigsburg
    Deutscher Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsfilmpreis&Pub
    Deutscher Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsfilmpreis&Pubgewonnen