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Corentin Ulmer, Beleuchter, Lichtassistent, Mülhausen
  • Beleuchter
  • Lichtassistent
Geboren 2002 in COLMAR (22 Jahre)


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    Über Corentin Ulmer

    My first experiences in audiovisual were during high school, where I studied an audiovisual specialty in Munster. These three years pushed me to continue in this field. I then pursued a BTS in editing at the INA. Once I obtained my diploma, I felt the need to be closer to the film set and started participating in shoots as an electrician. I therefore gained experience as such

    Filme als Beleuchter

    2024Avant la nuit (AT)KurzspielfilmCapucine LespinasRespiro Productions
    2024Olivia (AT)KurzspielfilmBen RichardotLipsum Productions [fr]

    Filme in anderen Tätigkeiten

    2024L'Embryon (AT)KurzspielfilmMaïra SchmidtAllo FilmsSetaufnahmeleiter


    Unmittelbarer ArbeitsortMülhausen
    2. Wohnsitz (falls vorhanden)Straßburg
    Bundesland (1. Wohnsitz)Frankreich - Grand Est