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  • Filmproduktion
  • Dokumentarfilmproduktion
  • Service Produktion


Kelenous 5112 57  AthensGriechenland
Mobil+30 6983770101
Telefon+30 6983770101

    Über Chaotic Good Productions

    Stefanos Koutsardakis was born and raised in Kozani, Northern Greece. He studied film in London and since his return to Greece in 2010 he has been occupied in film productions for both national and international projects, working his way up from Production Assistant to Location and Production Manager. He has also been working with Faliro House Productions as a Scriptwriter and Producer in developing projects for film as well as TV and in 2023 he started his own production company, Chaotic Good Productions.

    Filme als Produktion

    2024Patty is such a girly name / Πολύ κοριτσίστικο όνομα το Πάττυ (AT)KinospielfilmGiorgos Georgopoulos


    Unmittelbarer ArbeitsortHauptsitz: Athen