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Belal El Araby, Regisseur, Los Angeles
©Belal El Araby
  • Regisseur
Geboren 1991 in Giza (33 Jahre)


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Über Belal El Araby

An Egyptian director, a member of the Egyptian Cinema Professions Syndicate. I directed and wrote a short youth series called Baba Yaga, which is being shown on the Shoufha platform. I also directed a short series called Walhan, starring Munther Rayahneh, which will be shown on platforms soon. The film Al Maraya, starring Sawsan Badr, Salah Abdallah, and Mohamed Mahran, will be shown in cinemas soon. I am also the author of many films and series that have not been shown yet, and will be an addition to Arab cinema.

Fiktionale Filme als Regisseur

2020Baba YagaSerieBelal El ArabyBelal El Araby Production [eg]
2019Al MaahodaSpielfilmBelal El ArabyEgyptian Hollywood World, Saad Fakkar [eg]


AuslandsdreherfahrungWestasien: Saudi-Arabien
Unmittelbarer ArbeitsortLos Angeles
2. Wohnsitz (falls vorhanden)Paris
Bundesland (1. Wohnsitz)Saudi-Arabien