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Artur Grottger – Kucie kos | ©WFDiF
History in Moving Pictures | 2017 | Geschichte, Kunst, Lehrfilm | Polen


The insurgents fighting in the January Uprising of 1863 included artists among their number. One of them was Artur Grottger, whose frail health disqualified him from the armed fight, yet he could still use his art in the cause of freedom. The film speaks of an artist’s dilemmas and the process of creating works devoted to the January Uprising.

Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
Andrzej KłakArtur Grottger [HR]
Olgierd ŁukaszewiczNarrator [SG]
Adrian BrząkałaLudomir Grzybowski [NR]
Justyna KowalskaMaria Grottgerówna [NR]
Jan MarczewskiAdam Chmielowski [NR]