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Die Legende vom Potsdamerplatz

  • The Legend of Potsdamer Platz (Internationaler Englischer Titel)
Dokumentarfilm | 2000


The Potsdamer Platz of the nineties: a symbol for the reconstruction of the new German capital. In the intervening years, there was the period of absolute destruction during the Second World War, the square as a barren space with its death strip, and the rabbits' paradise of no-man's-land directly beside the Wall. The Legend of Potsdamer Platz allows unknown chroniclers to tell the story of the square. We meet a radio reporter who is collecting voices from Potsdamer Platz for his radio play collage and a maker of animated films. There is also a story-teller, guiding hordes of tourists across the square, a performance artist who marks the course of the former Wall with crepe paper and balloons, and finally witnesses from Potsdamer Platz' earlier, more glamorous era. A myth is reawakened to new life
Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
Arno Mo Abd el Kader LüningRadioreporter [HR]
Birgit Ramsauerherself (Performerin)


Lassoband Filmproduktion

Im Kino: Filmstarts und Uraufführungen

KinostartDeutschlandFreitag, 11.02.2000